Bando di gara per Incarico per la fornitura tecnica per il consolidamento dell’infrastruttura IT

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Oggetto dell’incarico è la fornitura tecnica per il consolidamento dell’infrastruttura del sistema informatico del Global Campus attraverso l’implementazione di un cluster virtualizzato in ambiente Microsoft.

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Roundtable: “The need for a National Human Rights Institution in Italy in compliance with the Paris Principles”

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The Roundtable will be taking place on 3 June from 17.30 until 19.00 hrs followed by a cocktail at the Global Campus of Human Rights Headquarters, Monastery of San Nicolò - Riviera San Nicolò 26, Lido-Venice.

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Global Campus of Human Rights at the European Development Days 2019

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The Global Campus of Human Rights will be present with a stand at the European Development Days (EDD) 2019 Village. The event is Europe’s premier forum for International Cooperation and Development that will take place on 18 & 19 June 2019 in Brussels.

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Arts & Human Rights at Biennale Arte 2019

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We attended the Opening of Biennale Arte 2019 and we found many artworks linked to nowadays challenges to human rights and climate change. 

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