Launch of the FRAME Website
FRAME’s taking off! The large scale, multi-disciplinary research project on Fostering Human Rights Among European (Internal and External) Policies (FRAME) has started with its kick-off meeting held in Brussels on 3-4 June, and will keep all partners engaged over the next four years.
The FRAME consortium consists of 19 leading European and international institutions from 17 countries, and it comprises more than 100 researchers.
The project’s aim is to understand the challenges and opportunities for the EU’s human rights engagement over the coming years and to recommend policies and tools ensuring that these challenges are overcome and opportunities are seized in an optimal manner.
The research will focus around four clusters. Each cluster will cover one broad theme - ‘factors’, ‘actors’, ‘policies’ and ‘tools’ – and be further articulated in Work Packages.
EIUC will be co-ordinating the 14th and 16th Work Packages.
The first (WP14), under the cluster ‘Tools’, is directed to
• develop a theoretical framework which systematically assesses EU policy tools for the integration of human rights considerations in internal and external policies;
• examine the potential for adapted or new policy tools in order to increase effectiveness and/or consistency of policies;
• develop, based on the results of FRAME’s research, a policy toolbox to be used by EU policy-makers and integrating existing, adapted and new policy tools in order to enhance human rights protection within the EU and in third countries.
The second (WP16), transversal to all clusters, is dedicated to dissemination activities and will focus on:
• Setting up and organising consultative and interim dissemination activities (FRAME’s website; workshops involving invited experts; dissemination of scientific and policy publications; dissemination of policy briefs corresponding to the deliverables listed in the work packages; interactions with human rights education and training activities developed in the context of EIUC’s work programme);
• Organising final dissemination activities (presentations of results and recommendations during public workshops; outreach events to be organised in the countries of the third country partners; a major conference to be organised in the final month of the project in Brussels).
Please visit FRAME’s dedicated website where all project activities are available:
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