Call for the first #Sport4HumanRights campaign for the Venice Marathon 2024

The Global Campus of Human Rights, the most extensive human rights education network in the world consisting of about 100 leading universities, is committed to increase awareness of human rights by connecting with the culture of sports initiatives at local and international levels. The Sports Culture through their diverse disciplines with engaged activists are closely related to human rights and to education.  


Sports can only flourish in an atmosphere of peace and security. With its universal reach, Sports culture is a joyful medium to promote the universal values of human rights. This is the focus of the cooperation with many other institutions through a series of sportive events and awards which have been developed and also planned for the near future. 


The Venice Marathon proves to be an important event and solidarity has always been an integral part of the project. Proof of this is the numbers of their Charity Programme which in 9 years has raised over 1 million euros, but above all it is the enthusiasm with which the non-profit organizations participate in the initiative every year and are committed to creating teams of fundraisers, ambassadors of a good cause. 


In that sense, we would like to invite our community of students, alumni, professors, experts and staff to present their interest and apply for our #Sport4HumanRights Awards consisting in awarding the payment of the registrations fees to be one of our few selected runners to participate in the Venice Marathon 2024 and more specifically in the VM10K non professional that is more accessible to everyone. All other expenses are not being covered. The period to apply is from now until 15 September 2024. 


Then you will receive the answer with the result of the application and the award consisting in a specific promo code to use and our #GCHumanRights branded materials (T-shirt, bag, pin and water bottle) for running on Sunday 27 October 2024.  If you were not selected for our awards this time, you could always donate in our crowdfunding related campaign to support our cause or even running with our group but paying your fees personally. The important aspect is to keep building our community and to promote our vision and values related to human rights education and their link to the sports. 


For more info, please contact 

To apply for the awards please complete this form: 

To only donate, find us at the Global Campus Human Rights @VCE Marathon | Rete del Dono 

To give us visibility, please follow us and share our social media posts with the hashtags #GCHumanRights #Sport4HumanRights #VeniceMarathon 


Join our community of supporters to keep campaigning for #Sport4HumanRights at the next Venice Marathon 2024, see you all at our stand there: 

And last but not least stay tuned for our next campaigns related to the Milano Cortina Winter Olympics 2025-2026 with the support of the Region of Veneto - The European Region for sports 2024. 


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