Course for International Electoral Observers: Call for applications
The course aims at providing training to civilian staff in election observation missions at the first steps of their career (i.e. short term observers). Selected applicants will be allowed to become aware of the role, the tasks and the status of international observers, and will be given a theoretical and practical training on election observation and election observation missions functioning.
Dates: 8-10 November 2012
Deadline for applications: 30 September 2012
Location: Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido (Italy)
Project Manager: Ms Alberta Rocca, EIUC External Relations Manager,
Observing elections is part of the bedrock of a functioning democracy, which is, in turn, a crucial factor in sustainable development. This requires skilled and trained observers.
International election observation plays an important role in international relations since almost thirty years. The Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation adopted by the UN in 2005 is one of the first attempts of the international Community to set up standard rules recognized at international level. Within the EU, the adoption of EU guidelines on preconditions for EU observation missions and a code of conduct for EU electoral observers represented an important step towards enhanced co-ordination within the EU.
The course is devoted to those applicants with no experience in election observation or to those observers who have participated to a maximum of two missions as short term observers. The aim of the course is to deepen the theoretical and practical expertise on election observation missions, and aims at providing participants with further skills that will be an asset in case of further applications as international observers.
Lectures are conceived for an audience of young graduates mainly in Law, Political Sciences, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology or similar who want to address international election observation from a multi-disciplinary approach that will be useful in further engagements on the field.
Lecturers are professionals with sound field and legal experience.
Participants who will attend the course will receive a certificate of attendance.
Admission requirements
In order to be eligible, applicants shall:
- hold a degree in Law, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology or similar;
- have a good command of English as a foreign language and a good knowledge of at least another foreign language.
EIUC will review applications on an on-going basis. This way, EIUC aims to give participants as much time as possible for the organisation of visa, travelling and accommodation (see also: Practical Information). Please visit this website for more information about visa requirements
All courses will be held in English. It is, therefore, essential that all participants understand and speak English fluently.
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