Delegation of the Council of Europe visits EIUC
On a sunny 24 February 2012, Prof. Benoit-Rohmer (EIUC Secretary General) and Dr. Angela Melchiorre (E.MA Programme Director) had the pleasure to welcome Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni (Director General of Programmes of the Council of Europe) and Mr. Alberto D’Alessandro (Head of the Council of Europe Office in Venice) at the monastery of San Nicolò.
The aims of the meeting were to strenghthen the cooperation of EIUC with the Council of Europe and benefit from the opening of the Office in Venice. Before entering in the vif du sujet, a tour of the premises took the visitors through the main parts of the monastery from the Aula Magna to the Global Civil Society Room hosting meetings of the EIUC Governing Bodies, stopping at the EIUC Library where Ms Battaini expressed her wish to strengthen relations with her colleagues in Strasbourg for facilitating the provision of publications of the European Court of Human Rights for the benefit of EIUC’s students and academics.
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