EIUC Assembly 2014

During the EIUC Assembly, the Board of Administrators and Director were re-elected and appointed for a period of 4 years, from 2014 to 2018 (until December 2018).

The Board is composed of:

  1. Horst Fischer, Ruhr-University Bochum (re-elected as President)
  2. Jean-Paul Jacqué, University of Strasbourg  (re-elected)
  3. Eva Maria Lassen, University of Southern Denmark/ Danish Institute for HR (re-elected)
  4. Teresa Pizarro Beleza, New University of Lisbon (re-elected)
  5. Carmen Marquez Carrasco, University of Seville (newly elected)
  6. Petra Roter, University of Ljubljana (newly elected)
  7. Maia Patakyova, Comenius University Bratislava (newly elected)
  8. Lauri Malksoo, University of Tartu (newly elected)

 Congratulations to all of you and thank you for your time, valuable contribution and participation in EIUC Assembly meeting. 

freccia sinistra

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