EIUC Diplomatic Conference: The EU’s Role at the UN Human Rights Fora
On 5 July 2014 EIUC will host at its premises, the Monastery of San Nicolò, the 2014 edition of the EIUC Diplomatic Conference, dedicated to The EU’s Role at the UN Human Rights Fora. The Conference will be opened by Prof. Horst Fischer, EIUC President, and Engelbert Theuermann President of the European Union’s Working Party on Human Rights (COHOM).
Participating in the Conference will be the representatives from the EIUC universities, the representatives of the EU member states who compose the COHOM, UN delegates, as well as representatives of other international organisations involved in human rights action at the EU or global level.
The Conference aims at assessing, from an interdisciplinary perspective, the EU institutional position and substantive engagement at the main UN fora dealing with human rights. This objective is reinforced, for the 2014 edition, by the fact the conference is organised in cooperation with FRAME, the four-year FP7 research project on Fostering Human Rights Among European (External and Internal) Policies, which is precisely dedicated to analyze the EU strategy with respect to human rights.
Speakers, discussants, working group chairs and rapporteurs, will also include:
- Robert Kissack (Assistant Professor, IBEI - Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals)
- Christian Strohal (Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Austria to the OSCE, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs)
- Jan Wouters (Professor, Coordinator of FRAME, KU Leuven)
- Lotte Leicht (Director, Human Rights Watch - Brussels)
- Dzidek Kedzia (Chairperson UN ESC Committee, Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan; coordinator of FRAME Work Package 5 - EU Human Rights Engagement with the UN/Regional Multilateral Organisations)
- Gianni Magazzeni, (Chief of Americas, Europe, and Central Asia Branch, Field Operations and Technical Cooperation Division, OHCHR, United Nations)
- Jeffrey Kenner (Professor, University of Nottingham, coordinator of FRAME Work Package 7 - Engagement with Private Actors, TNCs and Civil Society)
- Darius Staniulis (Deputy Director - UN, International Organisations and Human Rights Department, MOFA Lithuania)
- Wolfgang Benedek (Professor, University of Graz, coordinator of FRAME Work Package 13 - Human Rights Indicators)
- Martin Huth (Head of the Human Rights Division, Federal Foreign Office of Germany)
- Kim De Jong (Ministry of Foreign Affairs – the Netherlands)
- Cristina Fraile Jimenez de Muñana (Deputy Director of the Human Rights Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain)
- Véronique Joosten (Belgium’s Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs)
The Diplomatic Conference’s programme:
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