EIUC PHD seminar 2009 on ‘Human Rights and Business in Times of Global Financial Crisis’



Venice, 28-29-30 April 2009
Venue: Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice - Lido

The EIUC PHD seminar on ‘Human Rights and Business in Times of Global Financial Crisis’ took place on 28-29-30 April 2009.
The main facilitators were:
  1. Prof. Peter Rosenblum (Columbia University),
  2. Dr. Radu Mares (University of Lund), 
  3. Prof. Fabrizio Marrella (EIUC).

During these seminars the teachers offered presentations based on their current research interests. PHD students presented their own research projects and receive feedback from the group.

As in previous PhD seminar organised by EIUC, in addition to the benefit reaped from attending high level lectures offered by the EIUC visiting professors, the participants also benefited greatly from their interaction with one another and came away with a reinforced sense of feeling connected to young researchers from other parts of Europe working on related topics.


Tuesday, 28 April 2009 

9.45          Registration

10.00         Welcome address and opening remarks

Prof. Fabrizio Marrella, European Master Programme Director, EIUC

10.20         Introduction of participants

10.30         Coffee break

11.00         Expert Presentation

                   Prof. Peter Rosenblum, Columbia University Law School (U.S.A.)

12.00          Open discussion on Expert Presentation

12.30          Lunch

14:30          Doctoral Presentation (1) (ref. Fabrizio Marrella)

“Perspectives for the Emergence of an International Rule of Law in a Global Governance Context – Normative Benchmarks for a 'Global Rule of Law'”

                         Mr. Nicolas Hachez, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)

15:30          Doctoral Presentation (2) (ref. Peter Rosenblum)

“The role of human rights field operations in developing a human rights approach to trade and poverty in conflict settings: Bilateral Investment Treaties in Afghanistan”

                         Ms.Daria Davitti, University of Nottingham (U.K.)

16.30         Doctoral Presentation (3) (ref. Radu Mares)

“Restrictive Interpretation by ECHR and ICSID Tribunals”

                         Mr.Luigi Crema, University of Milan/Génève (Italy/Switzerland)

17.30          End of seminar for the day


Wednesday, 29 April 2009

9.30          Expert Presentation

                   Dr. Radu Mares, University of Lund (Sweden)

10.30            Open discussion on Expert Presentation

11.00         Coffee break

11.30         Doctoral Presentation (4) (ref.Radu Mares)

                         “Human rights obligations of Transnational Corporations”

                         Mr. Jarek Greser, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

13.00         Lunch

14.30         Doctoral Presentation (5) (ref. Peter Rosenblum)

                    “The Human Factor in the Freight Transport System - Management of Change"

                         Ms. Dimitra Chouchorelou, University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

15.30         Doctoral Presentation (6) (ref. Fabrizio Marrella)

“Outsourcing and social rights protection”

                         Ms. Anna Chiara Antonello, Cà Foscari University of Venice (Italy)

16.30          Final Remarks (Profs. Rosenblum, Marrella and Mares)

17.00          Clôture : Prof. Florence Benoit-Rohmer, Secretary General of EIUC


Thursday, 30 April 2009

9.30            PHD students round table

Appointment of one student Rapporteur, compilation of a report to be presented in the afternoon.

12.30          Lunch

Round table:

Business and human rights in times of global financial crisis:
the impact on social rights.

Venice, Cà Foscari University, Aula Magna Cà Dolfin
(event organised jointly with Cà Foscari University of Venice).

(languages: Italian, French and English no simultaneous translation).

15.00 Saluti

Prof. Pier Francesco Ghetti, Magnifico Rettore, Università Cà Foscari Venezia

Prof. Florence Benoit-Rohmer, Secretary General, EIUC

Prof.ssa Antonella Basso, Preside della Facoltà di Economia, Università Cà Foscari Venezia

Prof.ssa Carmela Camardi, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Università Cà Foscari Venezia

15.40 Interventi

Presiede e coordina: Prof. Massimo Cacciari, Sindaco di Venezia

Prof. Carlo Carraro, Direttore del FEEM Sustainable Development Programme, Università Cà Foscari, CMCC, Venezia

Student Rapporteur EIUC PHD seminars and Doctor Radu Mares, University of Lund, Svezia

Prof. Antoine Lyon Caen, Université Paris X/EHESS, Paris, Francia

17.00 Coffee Break

Dottor Mario Moretti Polegato, Presidente GEOX s.p.a.

Prof. Fabrizio Marrella, EIUC/Università Cà Foscari Venezia

Prof. Adalberto Perulli, Università Cà Foscari Venezia

"Per una Carta di Venezia sulla regolazione della globalizzazione" progetto a cura dei Proff. Adalberto Perulli e Fabrizio Marrella

Prof. Bruno Barel, Università di Padova /Consigliere indipendente GEOX S.p.a.


18.40 Conclusioni

Senatore Prof. Tiziano Treu, Università Sacro Cuore, Milano

freccia sinistra

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