E.MA Special event on 26 October 2009
Today in the EIUC venue, in the Monastery of S. Nicolo in Venice Lido, from 11.45 – 12.45, the Vice President of the European Parliament, Mr. Edward McMillan Scott will give a speech in the Aula Magna on “The European Parliament: New Steps in Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights”. All E.MA students 2009/2010 will attend this special event in the Aula Magna. “We are delighted to welcome Mr. McMillan Scott in the E.MA Programme and in Venice, said Prof. Fabrizio Marrella, E.MA Programme Director. “He is widely respected for his foreign affairs expertise and 'hands-on' approach to democracy and human rights promotion. For the same reasons he already participated as keynote speaker during the E.MA Degree Awarding Ceremony, in Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice on 23 September 2007. Therefore, we are particularly happy to welcome him back to EIUC. More info on Mr. McMillan Scott at http://www.emcmillanscott.com/index.html
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