E.MA Student representatives 2008/2009
The two student representatives of the E.MA 2008/2009 are Claire San Filippo and Arne Hoffman.
Each year the group of Masterini elects two student representatives whose most important task is to act as “go-betweens” between the student body and the EIUC academic and administrative staff.
According to the E.MA Statute (the so-called “Venice Charter”), Art. 8, the student representatives have consultative status in the E.MA Council, the highest decision-making body of E.MA where all universities participating in the programme are represented.
This entails participation of the student representatives in the E.MA Council meetings generally taking place in December (when the distribution of students to the second semester universities is decided), and at the end of the academic year, in September. In addition student representatives are traditionally involved in the meetings of the E.MA Academic Curriculum Group and Executive Committee taking place in April, where the two bodies make a thorough evaluation of the past curriculum and elaborate proposals in view of the coming academic year.
The student representatives are moreover acting as facilitators on the evaluation process concerning first and second semester courses: by reporting to the E.MA Council in December on behalf of the student body, and by collecting information on the part of the students scattered around Europe on the development of second semester activities.
Claire San Filippo, France.
"Human rights?!? When are you going to be reasonable and come into the civil service/diplomacy/banking?". That would be indeed one may could expect after studies in public affairs but by know friends and relatives should now better. Along with politics, theater and traveling, human rights is on my agenda. After discovering the work of the UN and EU institutions, my most fulfilling experience was definitely to intern at Amnesty International. Lobbying to promote and protect human rights, meeting human rights defenders and realizing the importance of our tasks when meeting the victims of human rights violation convinced me to try to make a difference. Banking is not for now.
Arne Hoffmann, 26, Berlin, Germany.
Arne was born in Berlin and grew up in former Zaire. Studied Law, African and Southeastasian science in Berlin and Dar es Salaam. Is now dedicating his life to his two passions: human rights and making music. Thus tried to combine his work for the UNHCR in Ethiopia with his little own buisness of owning a small music production company.
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