E.MA students in Brussels for European Development Days (EDDs)
The European Development Days (EDDs) 2013 organised by the European Commission in Brussels on 26-27 November 2013 is an important forum on international affairs and development cooperation. This year’s edition is entitled A decent Life for all by 2030 - Building a consensus for a new development agenda and presents an impressive programme. Topics range from climate change to trade and private sector’s role, from education and employment issues to food security, nutrition and resilience.
Thanks to the support of the DG Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid of the European Commission, the E.MA students 2013/2014 will participate in the EDDs 2013 and have the opportunity to attend panels, brainstorming sessions and roundtables.
As described in the web page of the event: “European Development Days is the gathering of European development practitioners and their partners worldwide. Its aim is to win the hearts and minds of all stakeholders, fostering engagement and facilitating the implementation of the agenda for greater aid effectiveness. The forum is also a key date for the diary and a unique opportunity to communicate widely on the concrete results of European development cooperation efforts.”
The debate Will a rights-based approach make development more human? -scheduled for Tuesday 26 November 2013 at 4.00 p.m.- with Mary Robinson among the speakers is one of the several appointments for the E.MA group led by its Programme Director Dr. Pietro Sullo.
This study trip to Brussels for the EDDs and the familiarisation with activities of European development policies will definitely add value to E.MA studies and discussions, showing the actual implementation of the development agenda. Moreover it will provide further insight and inspiration for E.MA students in their further studies and activities as human rights practitioners. E.MA students will be valuable participants in the discussion and will significantly contribute to the shared purpose of both EDDs and EIUC: A decent Life for all by 2030.
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