E.MAlumni Association Revitalisation!
The E.MAlumni and EIUC are happy to announce the following events:
- the launch of the new website on 5 May 2010 at: www.emalumniassociation.org Primarily designed to serve as a networking tool for the Alumni of the E.MA Programme, the website also offers services of general interest such as statistics on graduates and an open forum on human rights and democratisation issues;
- the organisation of the Inaugural Meeting of the E.MAlumni Association on Friday, 21 May 2010, hosted by the European Commission in Brussels (Centre Albert Borschette - Rue Froissart, 36 – Room AB0A).
The meeting started with welcome speeches by Mr. Alessio Cappellani – (European Commission – DG RELEX – DDG1 Human Rights) on behalf of Mr. Rolf Timans (European Commission – DG RELEX B – Head of Unit “Human Rights”) and Ms Sari Suomalainen (European Commission – DG AIDCO F2 - Head of Unit “Central Management of Thematic Budget Lines PA RELEX”).
The morning session was devoted to a Seminar on Human Rights Defenders.
Keynote speeches focussed on “The EU Support to Human Rights Defenders” by Mr. Alessio Cappellani – (European Commission – DG RELEX – DDG1 Human Rights) and on “An NGO perspective on the Human Rights Defenders” by Mr. Vincent Forest – (Front Line - Head of European Union Office).
Six experienced E.MA graduates reported on their own professional experiences in the field of Human Rights Defenders in the concluding round table.
The E.MAlumni Association General Assembly took place in the afternoon after the presentation of ACIPS (The Association Alumni of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies - Sarajevo) by its President, Mr. Sanel Huskic, as an example of successful Alumni Association.
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