End of the Global Classroom 2013
The first edition of the Global Classroom took place between April 29th and May 3rd 2013 in Venice. Eighteen students selected by each Regional Programme, together with professors and with two high-profile international guests discussed on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), their relation with Human Rights and the implications for the post-2015 UN agenda.
All students did actively participate from the very first lecture to the last one with great engagement, dedication, providing a unique stream of questions, discussion opportunities, exchange of perspectives and personal experience. At the end of the lectures an evaluation form has been given to the students who evaluated the initiative with a 90% ratio of complete fulfillment of their expectations regarding the objectives of the Classroom. The use of a learning platform was also rated very positively and the suggestions made by the students will partly be developed in the weeks ahead. Also the teachers, as well as the experts, were impressed both by the quality of the presentations as well by the dedication of the students.
The Global Classroom project will have a follow-up: the students have almost finalized their reports; they will also submit a list of suggestions for the post-2015 agenda, each for its own field of acquired expertise, to be summoned up and presented; last but not least, the monitoring of the process of definition of the post-2105 agenda will continue, with the platform being used as a primary communication tool.
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