Events to celebrate the anniversary of the UDHR

Three days of human rights related events is the public and non-for profit cultural proposal organised by the E.MA students to celebrate the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Venice with the support of the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC).


  • tl_files/EIUC MEDIA/News Files/RUBEN.jpg7 December 2012: Desaparecido – Testimony of a missing person with Ruben Gallucci
    Location: Aula Magna of the Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido


    18h30: Rubén Gallucci's conference about his experience as a victim of state terrorism in Argentina. Conference held in Spanish with consecutive interpretation (Spanish > English)

    19.45: Video presentation of “Victoria”, a documentary film by the Argentinean director, Adrián Jaime. Victoria Donda Peréz was one of the first babies born in captivity in the clandestine center ESMA (Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada). Thirty years later, Victoria discovered her real history: she was stolen, her parents “desaparecidos”, and she was raised by a military family under a false identity. Rubén Gallucci participates in that film as a testimony and friend of Victoria's disappeared mother.

    Spanish original version with English subtitles.

    20.20: Dance performance flamenco: “Tango de las madres locas”, Marina Heredia.

    Tango - flamenco fusion about the “desaparecidos” and mothers and grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo.

    After the show there was the opportunity to drink a glass of red wine, prosecco and water.

    21.00: end of the event.

    tl_files/EIUC MEDIA/News Files/poster_filmfestival2012_web.jpg
  • 8 -9 December 2012: Building Bridges Human Rights Film Festival (*)
    Location: SPAZIOPORTO (ex chiesa di Santa Marta), Venice (vaporetto stop: Santa Marta)
    Free entrance

    PROGRAMME (click here)
    Saturday, 8 December (2pm – 11 p.m.)
    Sunday, 9 December (11.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.)


The Building Bridges Human Rights Film Festival is an annual event specially dedicated to human rights issues in celebration of Human Rights Day. Each year, the festival brings together Italian and international directors, artists, academics and audiences under various themes in the context of human rights.

This year, the theme of the festival is borders. There were screenings of films on various human rights issues related to borders (i.e. migration, human trafficking), discussions with directors, a cocktail hour and food! And most important of all, these were all provided for FREE!

*The Building Bridges Human Rights Film Festival was organised with the support of the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), the Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili e Pace of the Municipality of Venice, and in collaboration with Rete Tuttiidirittiumanipertutti and Ca’ Foscari Cinema.

For more information visit the dedicated Facebook page Building Bridges Film Festival 2012


The Centro Pace of the Municipality of Venice also organised specific events on Monday 10 December as indicated in the poster below:

tl_files/EIUC MEDIA/News Files/centro pace_2012.jpg

freccia sinistra

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