FOCUS ON: Lat.Ma, Master’s in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin America

The Centre for International Studies in the University of San Martin (CIEP-UNSAM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and its regional network of universities (REDALDH) and non-governmental organizations are fully engaged in the 2013-2014 session of the Master’s for Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin America (Lat.Ma).

The cohort of the current session includes 23 students from ten countries (Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru and Spain) with graduate degrees in Law, Anthropology, Education, History, International Relations, Political Science, Visual Arts, Literature and Computer Engineering.

In December 2013, the new students had the opportunity to meet some of the graduates from the 2012 cohort and exchange impressions and experiences connected with the courses, the drafting and defense of the master’s thesis and the Programme in general.

freccia sinistra

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