GCA and GC collaboration: Interview of Laura Pasquero, GCA Executive Officer

On 18th June 2014, Laura Pasquero, the new Executive Officer of both the E.MAlumni and GC Alumni came for a visit to EIUC in order to be introduced to the staff and to strengthen cooperation between the network of Alumni Associations and the GC on different activities and initiatives.

Laura started working for the Global Campus Alumni Association (GCA) and the E.MAlumni Association since April- May 2014 and in this relatively short period “there has been an exciting turmoil of ideas, projects and enthusiasm” she said. One of her first tasks was to organise the Global Campus Alumni meeting on 16 May 2014 in Brussels, where representatives of the six Alumni Associations graduates and current students of the Global Campus got together in Brussels.

Laura, what did motivate you to apply for this job?

The global and ambitious dimension of the GCA community has been one of the main reasons that encouraged me to apply for this job in the first place.  Every day I think to myself that the magnitude of the Global Campus and the Global Campus Alumni is nothing that the world has experienced before: a global network of academias, students and alumni from the four corners of the world united by a common commitment to and passion for Human Rights.

This is unique.

What has been the main message at the GC Alumni Association meeting on 16 May in Brussels?

The Global Campus Alumni association has projects, dreams and growing ambitions that embrace its global dimension, and the six GCA Representatives said it loud and clear earlier this year at the GCA Event in May in Brussels. 

In close cooperation with the Global Campus and the EIUC, our network plans to grow in strength, cohesion, governance, stability and activities for our members.

What are the main activities/initiatives on which the GCA is working on?

While we are expanding the existing joint projects for our members, like the well-established GCA Mentoring Programme that will launch its 3rd edition in a few days from now, we are already working on the creation of new common platforms for exchange, communication and visibility like a common GCA website and a new GCA E-newsletter. These tools are key to reach out to the over 2,000 GCA members on the 5 continents and to bring them together as one community.

New thematic and geographical working groups for human rights discussions and actions will see the light in the coming months; they will involve our members and build on their tremendous skills, experience and activism.

There is also a widespread will to put our hands and minds at work for supporting human rights causes around the world and I foresee this will be one of the most exciting new workshops and experiences for all of us in the course of the coming months and years.

How do see the collaboration between the GCA and the Global Campus?

The GCA sees a strong partnership with the Global Campus, the EIUC and all the academic networks on the 5 continents as an underlying motif of the GCA very action. During my first visit to the Global Campus and EIUC on the Lido Venice in June, I could see with my eyes that this will is mutual and that we have a shared vision. I look forward to continuing working with the EIUC team and the GC network altogether.


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