Global Campus of Human Rights EU-UN Fellowship Programme 2021 – Spring Session

The Global Campus of Human Rights is offering one position as fellow in the framework of the Global Campus of Human Rights EU-UN Fellowship Programme to the EMA graduates of the past three years.

The Fellowship will start on Monday, 1 February 2021 and will end on Friday, 30 July 2021. The placement office will be the European Union Delegation in Geneva where the fellow will assist the delegation in following the United Nations Human Rights Council and United Nations General Assembly and related bodies dealing with human rights.

The fellow will perform tasks as set out by his/her supervisor.

Tasks may include, but are not limited to, carrying out research, writing reports and evaluations on negotiations, assisting in the drafting of EU statements and resolutions, as well as participating in negotiations with EU and other countries' delegates. Some administrative tasks can be expected. Often, overtime work will be required.

Overall administrative management of the Fellowship Programme is provided by the Global Campus of Human Rights.

The fellow will be entitled to the following (these entitlements have to be considered as gross amount*):

  • Per diem: 75 € gross

The per diem is to be considered ALL inclusive. No additional expenses, such as travel, accommodation, insurance or any other related issue, will be reimbursed.

*(Article 50, clause 1, letter c) of the Testo Unico delle Imposte sui Redditi includes among incomes considered to be similar to those of employed labor “sums paid by anyone in the form of a scholarship, check, prize or subsidy for the purposes of study or professional training, if the beneficiary is not bound by relations of regular employment to the provider of funds” (tax law in force as of 31.07.2010). The net sum paid will thus vary according to the overall tax situation of the recipient of the payment, as well as the nature of the taxation system itself, which varies from year to year.

Candidates MUST:

  • be EMA graduates from a.y. 2017-2018 to a.y. 2019-2020;
  • be a European Union citizen;
  • NOT have had a prior working relation (including internship) longer than 6 weeks with any EU institutions;
  • cannot exceed one year of remunerated full-time professional experience after the BA level.

With the intention of acknowledging concerns arising from the coronavirus pandemic and the containment measures adopted worldwide, a deferral option may be available to the selected fellow for spring 2021. In case travel restrictions or other insurmountable COVID-19 related obstacles are still in place at the time of the planned departure to Geneva, the beginning of the fellowship can be deferred by a maximum of two weeks. If this two-week period is not enough to overcome these COVID-19 related complications and assure compliance with health and safety norms, the selected fellow will have the option, in concertation with the Global Campus and the EU Delegation, to defer his/her place and start the Programme in August/September 2021.

Interested candidates should send an updated CV - specifying the title of their EMA thesis - and a letter of motivation by Wednesday 25 November 2020 at 12pm to (please include in cc). No additional documentation will be taken into account. Should you have any further doubt, please contact Ms Sara Tosoni or Ms Elisabetta Zennaro at the email addresses provided above.

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