Global Campus: strengthening the base to reach full speed together in 2014

2013 was also the pioneering year for the EIUC’s management of the Global Campus of Master’s Programmes and Diplomas in Human Rights and Democratisation (GC).  The Global Campus network is now complete. The African and Asian Pacific regional masters joined the Global Campus in 2012 and it is now up to the Regional Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratization in the Caucasus, the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe Sarajevo and the Master’s in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin America and the Caribbean to follow suit. More than 100 partner universities in the GC network now cover all the continents: it is here that the human rights defenders of the future will be trained.


tl_files/EIUC MEDIA/Global Campus of Regional Masters/Global Classroom 2013/GCL2013_DeSchutter_IMG_5794.JPG

Opening lecture of the Global Classroom 2013
by UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Prof. Olivier De Schutter

Professors and students mobility is one of the several joint activities planned. The Global Classroom 2013 brought together in Venice the top students of the 6 regional masters and focussed on the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). On 29 April the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Prof. Olivier De Schutter, opened the Global Classroom with a lecture on "The role of human rights in the discussion on post-global development goals". This example of academic transnational cooperation offered a forum for debating on particularly interesting ideas.

The GC Team in Venice and its partner universities are already actively cooperating for the organisation of the second Global Classroom. It is foreseen to take place in Thailand in 2014.

As for the first joint research programme run by the GC it examines the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The study will be available on the GC website in 2013.

GC Alumni members today stands at more than 1500 are particularly dynamic and actively support the GC. 

Stay tuned on the GC here

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