Human Rights Training Course for Chinese Functionaries

The EIUC Human Rights Training Course for Chinese Functionaries took place on 22-26 November 2004 at the Monastery of San Nicolò, in Venice - The  Lido.


Saturday 20 November 2004

Arrival of all participants – transfer by water taxi from the airport to the Monastery of San Nicolò.

Sunday 21 November 2004

Morning free

13.00   Light Lunch at Mabapa Hotel

14.30   Departure from Mabapa Hotel to the island of Murano and visit to a glass Furnace

20.00   Dinner on the Lido's Chinese Restaurant

Monday 22 November 2004

Human Rights Law: Purposes, Principles and Application

Dr. Joshua Castellino (Irish Centre for Human Rights), Prof. Koen de Feyter (European Masters Programme), Dr. George Ulrich (European Inter-University Centre)

Introductory session (George Ulrich, Joshua Castellino)
Human Rights Law: Purposes & Principles (Joshua Castellino)

Human Rights Regime: (Joshua Castellino)

  • Civil & Political Rights
  • Economic, Social & Cultural Rights

Lunch at the Monastery of San Nicolò

15.00   Application of Human Rights Law: Workshop on Freedom of Association (Joshua Castellino)

Evaluation & Questions (Joshua Castellino, George Ulrich, Koen de Feyter)

18.00   End of Session

19.30   Welcoming Reception at the Hotel Mabapa

*************END DAY ONE**************

Tuesday 23 November 2004

Sanctions & Remedies

Dr. Erik Claes, University of Leuven, Dr. George Ulrich (European Inter-University Centre) Dr. Jeremie Gilbert (European Masters Programme)

9.30     Sanctions, Punishment & Restorative Justice (Erik Claes)

13.00   Lunch at the Monastery of San Nicolò

15.00   Reparations: Philosophical Underpinnings, Practical Application (George Ulrich, Jeremie Gilbert)

Overall Evaluation & Questions (Erik Claes, George Ulrich)

18.00   End of Session

20.30   Classical concert in Venice (to be confirmed)

**************END DAY TWO****************

Wednesday 24 November 2004

Labour law and social rights

Ms. Sophie Lefrancois  (ILO Training Officer), Prof. Adalberto Perulli (Ca'Foscari University, Venice)

10.00   ILO and Human Rights Standards (Sophie Lefrançois)

11.30   ILO and Human Rights Standards (Sophie Lefrançois)

13.00   Lunch at the Monastery of San Nicolò

15.00   Principles of Labour Law (Adalberto Perulli)

16.30   Regime of Labour Law & International Perspectives (Adalberto Perulli)

18.00   End of Session

**************END DAY THREE****************

Thursday 25 November 2004

Mechanisms of the Human Rights Regime

Dr. Miko Lempinen (Abo Akademi), Prof. Wolfgang Benedek (University of Graz), Dr. Joshua Castellino (Irish Centre for Human Rights), Prof. Koen de Feyter (European Master's Programme), Dr. George Ulrich (European Inter-University Centre)

The Commission on Human Rights: An Introduction of Purposes & Principles (Miko Lempinen)

11.00   Special Procedures of the Commission on Human Rights (Miko Lempinen)

13.00   Lunch at the Monastery of San Nicolò

14.00   WTO and Human Rights (Wolfgang Benedek)

15.30   Open Forum on Human Rights: Panel Discussion & Feedback (Miko Lempinen, Wolfgang Benedek, Joshua Castellino, Koen de Feyter, George Ulrich, Ingrid Nifosi)

17.00   Closing Speeches & Certificates

18.00   End of Session

19.30   Closing dinner at Hotel Mabapa

**************END DAY FOUR****************

Friday 26 November 2004

Sightseeing / cultural event in venice

Visit to Milan

Saturday 27 November 2004

10.30   Departure of all participants - transfer by water taxi to the airport


List of Participants

  1. Mr. Li WUQING, Deputy Director-General, Supreme People's Court
  2. Mr. Song HANSONG, Deputy Director-General, Supreme People's Procuratorate
  3. Mr. Tian LIANGANG, Deputy Director-General, State Ethnic Affairs Commission
  4. Mr. Zang TIEWEI, Director, Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress
  5. Mr. Ma NING, Director, Department of United Front Work of CPC
  6. Mr. Tian SONGYUN, Director, Ministry of Public Security
  7. Mr. Li XIANJUN, Deputy Director, Ministry of Public Security
  8. Mr. Zhao HONGKUI, Director, Ministry of Justice
  9. Mr. Liu HUAYING, Program Officer, Ministry of Justice
  10. Ms Meng TONG, Deputy Director, Ministry of Labor and Social Security
  11. Mr. Li ZHONG, Associate Professor, ChineseAcademyof Social Sciences
  12. Mr. Zou ZHEN, Director, All-China Federation of Trade Union
  13. Mr. Zia JINGGE, Deputy-Director, Department of International Organisations and Conferences, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  14. Ms Wang YI, Third Secretary, Department of International Organisations and Conferences, Ministry for Foreign Affairs


  1. Prof. Wolfgang BENEDEK (Universityof Graz)
  2. Prof. Joshua CASTELLINO (Irish Centre for Human Rights - Universityof Galway)
  3. Prof. Erik CLAES (Universityof Leuven)
  4. Prof. Koen DE FEYTER (European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation)
  5. Dr. Jeremie GILBERT (European Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation)
  6. Ms Sophie LEFRANCOIS (ILO Training Officer)
  7. Dr. Miko LEMPINEN (AboAkademiUniversity)
  8. Dr. Ingrid NIFOSI (European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation)
  9. Prof. Adalberto PERULLI (Ca' Foscari University-Venice)
  10. Dr. George ULRICH (EuropeanInter-UniversityCenter)
freccia sinistra

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