12-18/XI/2012: Seminar of the Chaim Perelman Foundation at EIUC
On 12-18 November 2012 the Chaim Perelman Foundation of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) organised a seminar titled La place du religieux dans la sphère publique et politique. It is the second time that Prof. Guy Haarscher, National Director of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) and President of the Chaïm Perelman Foundation, conducts this kind of event at the EIUC premises in the monastery of San Nicolò in Venice Lido.
This seminar on the place of the religious in the public and political sphere tackled the following interesting and sensitive issues:
- La liberté d’expression et les exigences religieuses. (Freedom of expression and religious requirements.)
- Le créationnisme. (Creationism.)
- Le voile et les accommodements raisonnables. (The veil and reasonable accommodations.)
- L’élément religieux dans les révolutions arabes. (The religious element in the Arab revolutions)
In his introductory speech Prof. Haarscher stated «I hope that these four issues, which will surely lead to controversy among us, will enable us to better understand the issues of the relationships between religion and politics as they are today. Are our traditional instruments of thinking/reasoning still valid? Should we invent others? Should we change them to adapt them to recent questions that could not be anticipated by the 20th century theorists who sought to elucidate the relantionships between "Churches" and States? Here are some critical questions that will feed our discussions and will perhaps make us find again the former "Aristotelian" pleasure of friendship and philosophical conversation.”
For further information please contact Prof. Guy Haarscher by email (guy.haarscher@ulb.ac.be)
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