19-26 June 2010: Académie d’été sur la bonne gouvernance au Maghreb
EIUC and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH organised from 19 to 26 June 2010 the second edition of the Académie d’été sur la bonne gouvernance au Maghreb. The Académie - which first edition was held in Marrakech, Morocco in July 2008 - focused on the theme “Bonne gouvernance, État et société civile” and as such revolved around three specific thematic areas: a) the role of state institutions in the framework of good governance: interactions and responsibilities; b) electoral processes: electoral systems, rules and procedures; c) the role of civil society in the promotion of good governance. Supporting the Académie was also the ’Al Kawakibi
Democracy Transition Center (KADEM) of Tunis, with whom EIUC and GTZ have been cooperating for past initiatives.
The Académie which took place at the EIUC seat, the Monastery of San Nicolò at Venice-Lido, involved as participants 28 young graduates and professionals coming from Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Tunisia, sharing experiences and interest on good governance issues.
The Académie which took place at the EIUC seat, the Monastery of San Nicolò at Venice-Lido, involved as participants 28 young graduates and professionals coming from Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and Tunisia, sharing experiences and interest on good governance issues.
Dr Michäel Bechir Ayari, from the University of Marseille-Aix acted as Academic Coordinator, while the group of facilitators included both academics and experts coming from the Maghreb region and Europe. Among them: Professors Mohcine El Ahmadi, and Youssef El Bouhairi, from University Cadi Ayadd, Marrakech; Prof. Jean-Paul Jacqué, Université de Strasbourg; Prof. Florence Benoît-Rohmer, EIUC Secretary General; Mr. Raphaël Pouyé, electoral observation expert ; Mr. Jens Deppe, Ms Margarete Jacob and Ms Katrin Schäfer (GTZ Experts); Fathia Hizem in representation of the “Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates” and Salima Tlemcani, journalist of El Watan, Algeria.
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