6/9/2013: Pres. Napolitano at EIUC for "I libri d'acqua"


tl_files/EIUC MEDIA/News Files/2013/Foto Quirinale_Napolitano_Nocera_EIUC_6sett2013_2.jpgMaestro Nocera and President Napolitano

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On Friday, 6 September the monastery of San Nicolò in Venice Lido was the object of much interest because of the private visit by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to the exhibition "I libri d’acqua" of maestro Antonio Nocera which is being held at EIUC as part of the 55th International art exhibition-la Biennale di Venezia.

President Napolitano was welcomed by maestro Nocera and the Mayor of Venice, Giorgio Orsoni, as well as by EIUC President, Horst Fischer, and the curator of the exhibition, Laura Fusco.

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Among the personalities attending this unique event in the cloister of San Nicolò were the President of the Venice Biennale, Paolo Baratta, the prefect of Venice Domenico Cuttaia, the Deputy Mayor Sandro Simionato and Counsellor Bruno Filippini. EIUC was represented by its Secretary General, Florence Benoît-Rohmer, and the Dean of the Human Rights Village, Fabrizio Marrella.

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EIUC President had the honour to briefly explain EIUC's activities and the Human Rights Village jointly set up with the Municipality of Venice, as described in a booklet which was then donated to President Napolitano. tl_files/EIUC MEDIA/News Files/2013/NAPOLITANO_EIUC-20130906_0026_web.jpg

Upon exiting the monastery of San Nicolò, journalists asked President Napolitano -as reported by the press office 'Arte Laguna'-"Did you like the exhibition?" he replied "Not only did I like the exhibition, but I liked the place and I appreciated the institution which in this venue works for human rights (EIUC)".





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from left to right: EIUC President (Horst Fischer), Mayor of Venice (Giorgio Orsoni) and Deputy Mayor (Sandro Simionato) thanking President Napolitano for his visit.

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from left to right: Prefect of Venice (Domenico Cuttaia), President Giorgio Napolitano, EIUC President (Horst Fischer) and Mayor of Venice (Giorgio Orsoni)

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