JOB VACANCY: Teaching Fellows for E.MA 2008/2009

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) is seeking two well-qualified individuals for a 5-month assignment as Teaching Fellow for the 2008/2009 academic year in Venice, Italy.


The Teaching Fellows will work as members of the permanent staff of the E.MA programme based in Venice – Lido under the supervision of the E.MA Programme Director and the EIUC Secretary General. The position involves a combination of teaching and various academic and practical responsibilities connected with the E.MA programme.

Tasks will include the following:

1. To perform autonomous teaching and marking of curriculum units. This task can be further specified as follows:
    - To organise and teach a seminar introducing basic concepts of law or political science / international relations / social sciences;
    - To assess student assignments under the supervision of the E.MA Programme Director in consultation with the academic responsibles;
    - To set up and lead working groups and workshops incorporated in the academic programme;
    - To follow first semester courses – including the first semester field trip, which in recent years has been going to Kosovo but in the upcoming year may go to different locations – and assist the academic responsibles and other lecturers in carrying out the scientific and educational programme, including assistance in the preparation, distribution and using of teaching materials. This task also includes taking care of the records of all educational activities carried out during the first semester (timetable, programme schedule, teachers and lectures lists, working groups, attendance lists of students, student evaluations, etc.).

2. To ensure coherence within the first semester and act as a continuous academic resource for students. This task can be further specified as follows:
    - To assist students in developing their Master Thesis research proposals to be presented in view of the choice for the second semester hosting university;
    - To provide tuition for single students or groups of students in need of special support.

3. To assist in the administrative tasks related to the EMA programme and the external lecturers coming to Venice to  over the period of the first semester.

4. To assist in the development of the additional academic activities in the context of the EIUC.

5. To report in a systematic way to the E.MA Programme Director and Chairperson and EIUC Secretary General about their activities.


Ph.D. in a relevant discipline (preferably: international law / political science / international relations / social sciences), team-working ability, communication and group management skills, mentoring abilities, and understanding the needs and concerns of peers and students.
Experience in working with academics in an international environment.
Excellent knowledge of English, including drafting ability. Proficiency in French.

The Teaching Fellows selected will be required to take up full service starting from 1 September 2008 until 31 January 2009. Gross salary per month will be between 2.500 and 3.000 Euro per month, depending on qualifications.

DEADLINE for sending applications is 20 JUNE 2008.

Please send a cover letter and a curriculum vitae in English to the EIUC Secretary General and the E.MA Programme Director, Monastery of San Nicolò,
Riviera San Nicolò 26,
30126 Venezia-Lido,

by fax at: 0039-041-2720914, or by email:  and

Please note: the filling of the above position is contingent upon approval of funding by the European Commission.

freccia sinistra

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