La dignità umana - Venice from 13 to 16 April 2011
On 15 April 2011 EIUC and Ateneo Veneto organised the conference: “La dignità umana” (Human Dignity), at the prestigious seat of the Ateneo Veneto in Venice.
The first part of the programme included an opening lecture from Prof. Antonio Papisca (University of Padua) on the “The new challenges for human dignity in a globalised word”. In his key lecture Prof. Papisca reflected on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations (1948) as the international instrument where the concept of “human dignity” acquired new significance, thus evolving from an ethical concept to a founding principle of a new juridical culture. Stemming from the concept of “human dignity” was the whole international law of human rights, which placed at its centre human life, inalienable and universal rights.
Following the key note of Prof. Papisca were the contributions of Prof. Paolo Benciolini (University of Padua) on bioethics and human dignity and of Prof. Amos Luzzatto on the case of past violations of rights of the Venetian Jewish community. The second part of the programme was in the form of a round table titled “Where’s human dignity? Women, migrants, minorities, workers” during which participants were asked to analyze the concept of human dignity as seen through the lenses of women’s dignity, the identity of migrants, labour rights. Participating in the round-table: the Councillor on Women’s citizenship of the City of Venice, Tiziana Agostini; Prof. Adalberto Perulli of the University of Venice – Cà Foscari (Labour Law expert), and the Senegalese writer Pap Khouma.
The symposium was organised in cooperation with the literary event “Incroci di Civiltà” (“Crossing of civilization”) taking place in Venice from 13 to 16 April 2011.
Please download the programme here.
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