Launch of fundraising activities: Partnership Pack

We kindly invite you to participate as a Partner to our institutional activities. This European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) / Global Campus of Human Rights (GC Human Rights) partnership opportunity provides prestigious promotional campaigns for selected partners. The importance of Human Rights as a medium is paramount to this project and it is related to The United Nations 2030 Agenda containing a call for partnerships for development between governments, the private sector, and civil society.

We are proposing inclusive partnerships packs that are built on a foundation of principles and values, a shared vision, and common goals that prioritise people and the planet, and that are necessary worldwide. To successfully apply the 2030 Agenda, we must move rapidly from commitments to actions.

This Partnership Pack provides many important benefits, and considerable exposure like Pre-activities and On-Site communication and promotion plans. If you would like to request one, please contact  

You could also follow our partnership events in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google + using #GlobalGoals #EIUCpartnerships #GCHumanRightspartnerships

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