Master in Democratic Governance: applications are open
EIUC organises the third edition of the Master in Democratic Governance - Democracy and Human Rights in partnership with the following universities:Birzeit University (Palestine), Saint Joseph University (Lebanon), International University of Rabat (Morocco), University of Carthage (Tunisia),Ca’ Foscari University (Italy) and a growing network of other partner Universities in the MENA Region. Read More...
Dates: September 2016 - July 2017
First Round of Applications Deadline: 30 May 2016
Second Round of Applications Deadline: 30 June 2016
Location: Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice Lido (Italy) and Ca' Moro, Venice (Italy)
This Specialist Master's Programme is intended for professionals and graduates in economics, law, political and social disciplines wishing to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of democratic governance and human rights in the Arab countries in order to work as experts in public and private administrations and institutions, regional and national authorities, international bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations operating in areas relevant to the course. Read More about the programme...
The amount of the tuition fee for the academic year 2016/2017 is €4000. Tuition fees cover the following: all courses of the Master in Democratic Governance, both in the first and second semesters; the reading materials for the first semester; tutorship; access to the EIUC specialised library; individual access to our closed e-learning environment; use of available IT facilities (including wireless area and computer room). Read More about tuition fees and grants...
Telephone: +39 041 2720 951
Fax: +39 041 2720 914
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