New E.MA Programme Director 2008/2009
The EIUC/E.MA Governing Bodies are happy to announce the appointment of Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Marrella as the new E.MA Programme Director of the European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) for the academic year 2008/2009.
A member of the EIUC Board since the EIUC foundation in 2002 he has lectured in the E.MA Programme in the section "Economic globalisation and human rights".
Prof. Marrella speaks fluently four languages: English, French, Spanish and Italian and he is professor of International Law at the University "Cà Foscari" of Venice (Italy) where he has taught International Law, International Investment Law and International Business Law. He holds the highest Doctorates in Law with top grades from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne and Bologna University as well as the Diploma from The Hague Academy of International Law. In 2006 he has been appointed visiting professor (professeur invité) at the Université Robert Schuman of Strasbourg.
Before returning to Venice, his home town, he was formerly Adjunct Professor of International Law at the IHEAL (Institute for Advanced Studies on Latin America) of the Université de Paris III-La Sorbonne Nouvelle and Lecturer at the Institut de Droit Comparé de Paris (Université de Paris II-Panthéon Assas). He has taught: International Law: the International Arbitral Process at Vanderbilt University Law School; International Business Transactions in the Widener International Law Summer Institute; Derecho del comercio internacional (taught in Spanish) at the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico. In 2007 and 2008 he taught and served as vice-Director of the Harvard University-Cà Foscari summer school.
Prof. Marrella has participated in international symposia and has given invited lectures at a range of Universities and professional organizations both in Europe and abroad, including the U.S.A. He is a member of the International Law Association (ILA); the European Society of International Law (ESIL); Italian Society for International Law (SIDI/ISIL); Italian Arbitration Association (AIA); French Society for International Law (SFDI); Société de Legislation comparée; Association des Anciens de la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (C.I.U.P.); Association of Attenders and Alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law.
His editorial positions include:
- Series Editor (with Profs. H. Fischer, F. Benoît-Rohmer and M. O'Flaherty) of EIUC Studies in Human Rights and Democratisation, Cambridge University Press;
- Reviewer for Oxford University Press;
- Member of the scientific committee of the scholarly Italian Review of International Human Rights Law “Diritto internazionale e diritti umani” (Milan: Franco Angeli);
- Associate Editor of Transnational Dispute Management;
- Member of the Editorial Board and coordinator of the Paris Board of the scholarly Review Journal of European Commercial Law Contratto e Impresa/Europa (Padua: CEDAM);
- Member of the Editorial Board of the scholarly Review Journal of Italian Civil and Commercial Law Contratto e Impresa (Padua: CEDAM, Italy).
Marrella's publications include:
- Economic Globalisation and Human Rights, (edited with W. Benedek and K. De Feyter, EIUC series n.1, Cambridge University Press, 2007);
- Efficient breach and Economic Analysis of International Investment Law (with I. Marboe, in Transnational Dispute Management, 2007);
- Diritto del commercio internazionale (textbook with Fr. Galgano, Padua: CEDAM, 2nd edition, 2007);
- Le opere d'arte tra cooperazione internazionale e conflitti armati (Works of art between international cooperation and armed conflicts, edited book, Padua: CEDAM, 2005);
- La nuova lex mercatoria. Principi Unidroit ed usi dei contratti del commercio internazionale (The new Lex Mercatoria. Unidroit Principles and trade usages in international commercial contracts), vol. XXX of the Trattato di diritto commerciale e di diritto pubblico dell'economia (Treatise of Commercial Law and Economic Law dir. by Fr. Galgano, Foreword by H. Grigera Naòn, Padua: CEDAM, 2003);
- Alle origini dell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale. L’arbitrato a Venezia tra Medioevo ed Età moderna, (The origins of International Commercial Arbitration. Arbitration in Venice between the Middle Ages and Modern times, with A. Mozzato, Foreword by A. Giardina, Padua: CEDAM, 2001).
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