Ninth Issue of the Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine

Following the success of many important activities of our network, the Global Campus of Human Rights published the ninth edition of its seasonal Magazine in English and Italian.

This promotional publication is structured in the following sections:

  • Interviews by the Press Office and Contributions;
  • News and Events of the Global Campus of Human Rights at local and international level.
  • Promotion campaigns to raise awareness of our impact and attract more supporters.

“This year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the 2nd World Conference of Human Rights, which took place in Vienna in June 1993. The two most memorable slogans from Vienna were “All Human Rights for All”, the motto of the NGO Forum underlining the universality, equality, interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights, as well as “Women’s Rights are Human Rights”, one of the most influential demands of NGOs. In retrospective, this might seem surprising, as the equality of women had been strongly rooted from the outset in the legal UN human rights framework, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 and having entered into force in 1981, had become a milestone in the advancement of women’s rights and the fight against gender-based discrimination. However, while discrimination against women had been gradually eliminated from domestic laws and women had increasingly gained access to all human rights, including the rights to vote, to education, to marry and to justice, the most egregious violations of women’s rights continued to be practiced in the “private” sphere, be it in the family, the work place or in society at large.” Secretary General Manfred Nowak

For more information, contact our Press and Communication Offices:

Elisa Aquino – Isotta Esposito – Giulia Ballarin -

Read the Magazines in English and Italian on our Open Knowledge Repository

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