Seminar: The New European Union Architecture in the Field of Human Rights. 6 May 2010, Brussels
On 6 May 2010 in Brussels, EIUC in cooperation with the European Commission organised a seminar on The New European Union Architecture in the Field of Human Rights.
The seminar aimed at reflecting on the consequences of the Lisbon Treaty on the EU human rights/fundamental rights policy. The entry into force of the Fundamental Rights Charter, the envisaged EU accession to the European Convention on Human rights, as well as the overarching mandate of the HR/VP and the forthcoming creation of the EEAS, all constitute important new developments with a considerable impact upon the EU's human right policy. Seminar - The new EU architecture in the field of human rights
Download here the programme of the seminar.
Ms Véronique Arnault (Director of the DG Relex, European Commission) opened the seminar.
Download here the concluding remarks by Ms Arnault.
Keynote speeches were delivered by:
- Jean-Paul Jacqué, Professor Emeritus, Université de Strasbourg, EIUC, Honorary Director General, Council of the EU
- Olivier de Schutter, Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
- Marc Franco, Head of EU Delegation in Egypt, European Commission.
The seminar took place at the Martin’s Central Park, Boulevard Charlemagne 80, 1000 Brussels. Participation in the seminar is upon invitation only.
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