Seventh Issue of the Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine
Following the success of many important activities of our network, the Global Campus of Human Rights published the seventh edition of its seasonal Magazine in English and Italian.
This promotional publication is structured in the following sections:
- Interviews by the Press Office and Contributions;
- News and Events of the Global Campus of Human Rights at local and international level;
- Campaigns to raise awareness of our impact and attract more supporters.
“As a global network of universities dedicated to human rights, we need to step up our joint efforts of promoting and protecting human rights, even in such an increasingly hostile environment. In our core activity, providing post-graduate human rights education, we recently decided to start an 8th regional Master in Human Rights and Sustainablity in the Central Asian region (including Afghanistan and Mongolia), coordinated by the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. During our recent teaching experience at the Summer School on Human Rights and Human Security in Kyrgyzstan, Imke and I were impressed by the professional standards of the OSCE Academy and the high quality of their students.In addition, we are intensifying the social responsibility, advocacy and practical human rights work of our universities, as exemplified by our program, to provide a safe space for Afghan scholars and students at risk and our new project on “reconceptualising exile”, which we are developing in partnership with our donors and friends at Right Rivelihood.” Secretary General Manfred Nowak
Read the Magazines in our Open Knowledge Repository
For more information, contact our Press and Fundraising Offices:
Elisa Aquino – Isotta Esposito – Giulia Ballarin -
#GC HumanRightsMagazine
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