The Global Campus of Human Rights enters into new partnership with the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation

The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation and the Global Campus of Human Rights are entering into a long-term cooperation to develop activities focusing on Prevention of Genocide and other Mass Atrocities, Anti-Discrimination, Transitional Justice, Protection of vulnerable groups, Human Rights and Democracy promotion. This was announced by the Executive Director of the Auschwitz Institute, Tibi Galis, and the Administrative Director of the Global Campus, Elisabetta Noli, in Venice today, at the Monastery of San Nicolò, in the presence of the students of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA).


The areas of cooperation identified by the Memorandum of Understanding include:


  • Development of strategies to research, teaching, training on conflict and peace building, and the prevention of genocide and other mass atrocities, and to promote this work in accordance with the relevant procedures and legal instruments;
  • Development of synergies on human rights, non-discrimination and gender equality, peace, tolerance, intercultural dialogue and any other relevant field, in order to design and implement joint research and educational initiatives;
  • Collaboration opportunities within the context of future and ongoing activities of the seven Regional Masters composing the integrated framework of the Global Campus, as well as within Global Campus Joint Activities and activities developed at the Global Campus HQ in Venice, as the Venice School of Human Rights, the training series, activities relating to Arts and Human Rights;
  • Implementation of associated programs, sharing of skills and expertise between students and Alumni, scholars and experts, staff resources, including the production of learning resources and exchange of information.


Established in 2004, the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) is a non-governmental organisation that works to build a world that prevents genocide and other mass atrocities. In his address to the EMA students, Tibi Galis, presented the work of AIPR, as non-governmental organisation which “supports states  - through education, training, and technical assistance - to develop and strengthen national and regional mechanisms for the prevention of violent conflicts, genocide and mass atrocities, including supporting the development of curricula and infrastructural elements for prevention-focused research, as well as policy formulation and implementation to meet self-identifies needs towards enhancing peace, human rights and good governance”.


As stressed by Elisabetta Noli, “the Global Campus of Human Rights and the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation have many features in common: starting from working with education as primary tool for ensuring long-lasting, democratic and sustainable societal change - to their regional presence and global reach”. Both organisations look forward to implementing common activities in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding just signed.


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