The Summer School on "The European protection of fundamental rights"
Friday, 24 July 2015 - San Servolo Island The Summer School on "The European protection of fundamental rights" - held upon initiative of EIUC and of the ,Unione Forense per la Tutela del Diritti Umani -UFtDU (Association of Italian Lawyers for the Protection of Human Rights) - is coming today to its concluding session.
The Summer School programme involved a broad range of experts both in representation of the academic world (Prof.s Enzo Cannizzaro, University of Rome; Giuseppe Cataldi, University of Naples; Laura Picchio Forlati - emeritus - University of Padua; Andrea Saccucci, University of Naples; Vittorio Manes, University of Bologna; Serena Forlati, University of Ferrara), as well al lawyers judges and practitioners (Maurizio De Stefano, UFtDU ; Anton Giulio Lana, Segretario Generale UFtDU, Alessio Sangiorgi, UFtDU; Nicola Madia, Lawyer in Rome / University of Rome "La Sapienza"; Maria Giovanna Ruo, Lawyer in Rome, Association "CamMiNo") including Andrea Tamietti and Roberto Chenal, Referendaires at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Equally broad is the catalogue of rights and analysis of jurisprudence which the Summer School entailed, starting from the current framework of protection provided by the European Convention of Human Rights as well as by the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the procedural aspects related to the submission of individual complaints to the Strasbourg Court, and the key legal questions surrounding the jurisprudence of the European Court in relation to specific rights (right to life, prohibition of torture, rights of alsylum seekers and migrants, right to defence, fair trial and other guarantees related to penal proceedings, right to private and family life).
Professor Florence Benoit-Rohmer (EIUC Secretary General) and Avv. Anton Giulio Lana (UFtDU Secretary General) share a positive assessment of this joint intiative which was accredited by the Venetian Lawyer's Association and enjoyed the patronage of the Council of Europe, Office of Venice.
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