UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty: Sub-Regional Launch in Bangkok

The Regional launch and Open Forum on “Enacting the Recommendations in the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty in the National Agenda: Actions for East Asia Countries” will take place in Bangkok on 19 February 2020 with the support of the Global Campus Asia Pacific coordinated by Mahidol University, Thailand. The focus of this event is to discuss how to effectively implement the recommendations of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty from a regional perspective.


Following the International Launches of the Global Study, the Global Campus of Human Rights has taken the initiative to begin a dissemination and follow-up initiation process which entails:


- International, Regional and National Launches together with key stakeholders

- The establishment of Global Study Toolkits on the different situations of Childrens Deprivation of Liberty

- Conceptualization of interventions and further projects connected to the rights of the child, in particular on children deprived of liberty

- Further in-depth research by child rights officers in every regional master's programmes as well as students all over the world

- The continuation of partnerships with key stakeholders such as UN agencies, NGO Panel including 170 NGOs, Advisory Board Experts and other actors


As such, the conference will serve as a one-day regional launch of the Global Study where key stakeholders are invited to share their experiences, challenges as well as best practices within the region. Consequently, the Global Campus International Conference will bring together key stakeholders from members of ASEAN representatives, academia and other strategic partners. Manfred Nowak (the Independent Expert of the Study as well as the Secretary General of the Global Campus) together with relevant partners would, therefore, like to also invite representatives of States, UN Agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and academia. In this way, the conference aims to facilitate a multilateral discussion on the strategic implementation of the Global Study recommendations and effective mid and long-term follow-up. Furthermore, the outcomes of the Global Study launches will feed into thematic toolkits which will facilitate further follow-up interventions and projects.



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