Unlocking Professional Growth: Global Campus Celebrates Impactful Internship Journeys

The Global Campus Internship Programme stands as a transformative opportunity for recent graduates, offering a unique path to professional growth. Approximately 20 top GC alumni are chosen annually for six-month internships with renowned organisations worldwide, such as the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions, EU delegations, and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The program, made possible by the Global Campus's extensive network, exposes interns to a myriad of human rights topics, including child rights, women's rights, refugee protection, legal case management, climate change, and migration. Interns develop transversal skills such as quantitative and qualitative research, data analysis, writing and communication, project management, and adaptability to new challenges.

Supervisors consistently express gratitude for the competence, loyalty, commitment, and willingness to go the extra mile displayed by interns. Many express a desire for continued collaboration, emphasising the interns' significant impact on their work. Simultaneously, interns appreciate the collaborative and supportive work environments, along with unparalleled networking experiences offered by host organisations.

In 2023, the programme's success is echoed through the words of exceptional interns:

Hussienatou Manjang, GC Africa Alumna (HRDA) interned with ACERWC (African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child) in Maseru, Lesotho.

“My internship proved to be an incredibly fruitful experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to hone my communications skills, but also I gained invaluable practical experience in the field of children’s rights”.

Nikola Tucakov, GC South East Europe Alumnus interned with the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade, Serbia. During this period, he crossed paths with his future PhD mentor. Subsequently, he initiated his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade.

“I highly recommend this internship for anyone looking to truly immerse him/herself in the actual work in a field they have a passion for.”

Mayrem Vargas Araya, GC Latin America & Caribbean Alumna interned with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. 

“My internship was an excellent opportunity to learn about the inside job the staff carry out. I was involved in case management and resolution, which is a great experience.”

Kristine Bdoyan, GC Caucasus Alumna interned with Mission Armenia in Yerevan, Armenia.

“Long before the successful completion of my internship, I received an offer from Mission Armenia. Currently, I am a member of the Department of Social Development.”

João Verdelho, GC Europe Alumnus interned with the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions in Brussels, Belgium

“There was a good balance between adapting to my first work experience and being entrusted with significant responsibilities: in the last month of the internship, I was given the choice to be the leader of a project, which is not common in the context of an internship.” 

Phoebe Sheppard, GC Europe Alumna interned with No Peace Without Justic in Brussels, Belgium.

“This experience is really what you make of it. I gained a lot because I took on a lot of responsibility, made frequent suggestions on things I felt needed to be improved that I could help with, and created opportunities for myself.”

Anne Gscheidlen - GC Europe Alumna interned with the EU Delegation in Geneva, Switzerland.

“Learning from experienced EU human rights experts and the vital work they do to protect human rights values in the UN, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I grew so much thanks to them.”

Anju Anna John, GC Europe Alumna interned with the Basque Centre for Climate Change in Bilbao, Spain. This experience played a significant role in securing her a research position at the University of Deusto in Bilbao.

“[My internship] resulted in two articles that I co-authored with Stefano [her supervisor] and published in Common Dreams.”

Chara Papastefanaki, GC Europe Alumna interned with the International Commission of Jurists - Europe and Central Asia Programme in Brussels, Belgium.

“It was an excellent way to gain experience in an international organisation working worldwide for justice and human rights, but also to gain understanding, network and experience in the NGO and civil society field of Brussels working closely with the European institutions.”

As these remarkable stories are celebrated, the Global Campus is currently selecting the next round of graduates for the 2024 Internship Programme. With confidence, we anticipate that these future participants will make a lasting impact on host organisations and emerge as even stronger candidates for meaningful job positions.

The Global Internship Programme is co-funded by the EU.

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