Venice Universities’ Model United Nations – VeUMUN

On 10-11-12 November 2017, Venice International University will host a simulation of the United Nations for university students. This edition will focus on threatened heritage.

This is the second edition of the joint initiative of Venice International University, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Venice Diplomatic Society (VDS), and this year the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights – EIUC; In collaboration with Europe Direct Venezia, and with the support of San Servolo – Servizi Metropolitani di Venezia.


VeUMUN | 2nd edition | 10- 12 November 2017

The choice of the topic of focus for this year’s simulaton was inspired by the landmark resolution (2347 - 2017) adopted by the UN Security Council on 24 March 2017:

“Maintenance of international peace and security: destruction and trafficking of cultural heritage by terrorist groups and in situations of armed conflict”

The deliberate destruction of heritage is a war crime, it has become a tactic of war to tear societies over the long term, in a strategy of cultural cleansing. This is why defending cultural heritage is more than a cultural issue, it is a security imperative, inseparable from that of defending human lives," Director-General Bokova told the Security Council, as she spoke in support of the resolution on that occasion.

Participants will act like real UN delegates participating in sessions of various UN committees; a group of students will also form the Press Corps, reporting on developments during the weekend of activities. 

The VeUMUN is an excellent opportunity for students to gain an understanding of multilateral diplomacy, and to hone their negotiating and leadership skills while practising public speaking. Furthermore, the VeUMUN is aligned with the VIU Fall semester, which includes a specialization track of courses focusing on issues related to Cultural Heritage.

The Model United Nations (MUNs) have certain common goals: providing a deeper understanding of multilateral diplomacy; strengthening negotiating and leadership skills; improving the ability to anticipate evolving scenarios of complex issues. In simulations lasting a few days, Delegates are called upon to debate specific issues related to the domain of international relations ultimately producing a Resolution about the debated topic.

Participation is open to students of Ca' Foscari, EIUC, VIU and VIU member universities with an interest in international relations, international law, cultural heritage and United Nations working procedures. 


  • Venice Diplomatic Society (VDS) -
  • Venice International University (VIU) –
  • Ca’ Foscari – University of
  • European Inter-University Centre on Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)–

VeUMUN benefits from the generous support of: 


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