We are pleased to announce that EIUC is hosting a unique workshop on Human Rights and Music
The workshop, that is taking place from 2 till 6 March 2015 at the Monastery of San Nicolò, aims at incorporating human rights awareness into music. There is a connection between music and human rights as music is often described as a “universal language”. The Human Rights Orchestra wants to examine the use of music for social change and promote the understanding of how music can be used as a tool to raise human rights awareness
The Human Rights Orchestra is the principal ensemble of Musicians for Human Rights an organisation founded by the hornist and conductor Alessio Allegrini in spring 2009 in collaboration with a renowned patronage committee including among its member the Executive Director, Mr. Julian Fifer.
The workshop is organised by the Human Rights Orchestra and in particular by its Executive Director, Mr. Julian Fifer and by Prof. Manfred Nowak, E.MA Director from the University of Vienna. Also involved are Alessio Allegrini; Prof. Michael O'Flaherty, E.MA director from the University of Galway, Prof. Patricia Hladschik and Dr. Marijana Grandits, from the University of Vienna; Prof. Antonio Papisca from the University of Padua and George Ulrich, Riga graduate School of Law.
During the five-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange about the challenges related to integrating of human rights in our contemporary world.
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