
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: The Americas

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Authors: Jorge Taiana, Veronica Gomez

Abstract: This contribution traces some salient developments related to human rights and democratisation in the Americas during 2015. As to national developments, the Colombian peace process, the political crisis in Guatemala and the elections in Haiti are discussed. As to regional arrangements, the focus falls on the participation of Cuba in the Seventh Summit of the Americas, and on elections and standard-setting within the Organization of American States. A few highlights in respect of the promotion and protection of human rights in the Americas by the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights are also reviewed.

Key words: Colombian peace process; political crisis Guatemala; elections Haiti; Seventh Summit of the Americas; OAS General Assembly; Inter-American Commission; Inter-American Court

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Graduation Ceremony of the E.MA 2015/2016 and Inauguration of the A.Y. 2016/2017

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The Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice is the beautiful setting in which the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) will welcome – on Sunday 25 September - the graduating students of the...

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Vacancy announcement: Secretary General of Global Campus Alumni

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The Global Campus Alumni (GCA) is a young global network of regional alumni associations focused on human rights and democratisation. It brings together seven regional human rights programmes...

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Utrecht Declaration on Academic Freedom

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Meeting at Utrecht University for our annual conference, we, the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI), deplore the actions and threats of actions of an increasing number of States to restrain and even foreclose academic freedom, in the name of security, public order...

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Vacancy Announcement: Global Campus Administrative Director

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The Global Campus Administrative Director shall coordinate the action of the EIUC / Global Campus organisational staff based in Venice-Lido, comprising the following units/departments: Global Campus, Projects, Finances, Fundraising/Communication, General Services, Premises.

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