
The photo and video contest promoting human rights

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Source: Vita International

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12th Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy: applications are open

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The 12th edition of the Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy is a training initiative jointly developed by the EIUC and CHRA. The 7-day intense training is aimed at young professionals wishing to...

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New MOOC on Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Migration

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The Global Campus of Human Rights continues the development of its Open Learning Series with a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Migration. The course will be released on 15 May 2017. Enrolment opens on 15 April 2017 and is completely free...

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Fabrica has joined the GC Visual Contest as member of the Jury

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The Global Campus of Human Rights is happy to announce that Fabrica has joined the Visual Contest as member of the Jury. Fabrica is Benetton Group’s communication research centre, established in 1994. It offers young people from around the world a one-year scholarship, to develop research projects in the...

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