
Global Campus Human Rights Journal with special focus on children’s rights issues published

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The most recent volume of the Global Campus Human Rights Journal is published on 31 July 2020. It comprises a special focus feature, foregrounding selected developments in the area of children’s rights’. The special focus results from a cooperation agreement between the Global Campus of Human Rights and the Right Livelihood Foundation.

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NOT IN MY FACE! Facial Recognition and Implication for Human Rights

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With the rise of new technologies and artificial intelligence applications the society is undergoing significant changes that have multiple impacts on daily lives, professional environment and social and political systems.

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Human Rights Adopted as Compulsory Subject at the UNTL

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On 15 July 15 2020, the Council of Management of the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) unanimously approved the syllabus of the new “Human Rights and Democratization” course, which will be introduced as a new transversal discipline mandatory in all undergraduate programs of the National University’s nine Faculties, from the academic year 2021/22. 


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Invitation to Tender for Video Production Services

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Increasing demand for e-learning programmes has evidenced the need for a constant, coherent and efficient production of video materials, interviews, e-lectures and other visual tools for optimal online delivery. In order to fulfil such need, the Global Campus is looking for a video company that would provide video production services to support forthcoming MOOCS and online courses...


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