
Global Campus of Human Rights: EMA awarded theses 2018/2019

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Every year the regional master’s programmes select the best master thesis of the previous academic year that is published online as part of the GC publications. The selected seven GC master theses cover a range of different international human rights topics and challenges. Adding to the GC master theses, are selections of Master’s theses which most Programmes award on a yearly basis.

Global Campus Europe-EMA awarded theses 2018/2019 are online and you can find them at our Repository, here.

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Creative transformation in times of pandemic: updates from the Global Campus Regional Programmes

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08 April 2020 - Some weeks ago, following the restrictions issued by the Italian authorities to fight COVID-19, the GC headquarters in Venice had to quickly reorganise itself as a remote working community. Now the impact of the pandemic has extended to other regions of the world including those where the seven Regional Programmes of the Global Campus of Human Rights are based...

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Consultation Meeting on the Future of Human Rights Education in Timor Leste

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A high-level stakeholder meeting on the future of human rights education and research at the National University of Timor Leste (UNTL) took place on March 4th at the Delegation of the European Union in Dili...

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‘Homework’ in times of quarantine: an update from the headquarters of the Global Campus of Human Rights

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As an educational institution, the word “homework” is very familiar to the Global Campus of Human Rights. Being headquartered in Italy we can say that taking care of our homework, and literally from home, is precisely what we are currently doing. And we do it with the full commitment we’ve always shown to our global community.


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