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Global Campus Visual Contest 2019: the winners

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This edition of the Global Campus Visual Contest, entitled “Free and equal in dignity and rights: images of the everyday lives of LGBTIQ+ persons”, for the first time has run completely on the Instagram account of @gchumanrights from 3 September until 8 February. The international jury of the Contest, comprised of Jim Marshall, Maika Elan, Carloman Macidiano Céspedes Riojas, Frank Finance-Madureira, and Joeri Kempen, together with Instagrammers, selected the winner of the GC Contest.


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"Human Rights Studies & Training Programme" for Nationals of Timor Leste

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The Global Campus of Human Rights with its Asia-Pacific Programme (GC APMA), and the Faculty of Social Sciences – National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) are glad to launch the "Human Rights Studies & Training Programme" for Nationals of Timor Leste, offering 6 scholarships (master level) and 2 fellowships (doctoral or post-doctoral level).

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Corso Classico CEDU

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Date: 14 - 17 febbraio 2019

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Global Campus Assessment Mission to Dili, Timor-Leste

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A team of the Global Campus of Human Rights headed by the Secretary-General Manfred Nowak, undertook a participatory assessment mission to Dili, Timor-Leste, at the end of January 2019, as a first step in the implementation of the project “Development of human rights education and research activities at the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL)”.

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