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La (Dis)educazione sui Migranti: abbattere muri e costruire ponti

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Conferenza Stampa

L’Ufficio Stampa del Centro Inter-Universitario Europeo per i Diritti Umani e la Democratizzazione (EIUC) / Global Campus of Human Rights ha il piacere di invitarVi alla conferenza stampa “La (Dis)educazione sui Migranti: abbattere muri e costruire ponti”, che avrà luogo lunedì 2 luglio 2018 alle ore 12.30 presso la nostra sede, Monastero di San Nicolò, Riviera San Nicolò, 26 - 30126, Lido di Venezia.

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Mr. Tshepo Madlingozi at the Muwatin Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at Birzeit University

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As part of the Global Campus of Human Rights activities involving exchange between regional programmes that are part of the GC, Mr. Tshepo Madlingozi from the Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa (Hrda) visited the Muwatin Institute for Democracy and Human Rights at Birzeit University, Palestine from 20 to 30 June 2018.

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Call for applications: Master´s in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAT.MA)

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The Master´s in Human Rights and Democratisation in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAT.MA) –a unique interdisciplinary programme with a regional perspective— has opened its call for applications for the academic cycle 2018/2019. The call will remain open until 15 July 2018.

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Support the crowdfunding campaign of Manfred Nowak and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights

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The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) – together with the LBG 'Open Innovation in Science Centre’  – has launched a crowdfunding campaign to establish the Atlas of Torture - a website to advance together the global fight against torture and ill-treatment.

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