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Glasstress 2017 Humanrightstress

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“The arts and human rights are closely related and need each other. The arts – music, literature,theatre, dance, cinema, fine arts, sculpture, architecture, design and glass arts – can only flourish in an atmosphere of freedom from fear, violence and repression.

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Press Conferences with Lamya Haji Bashar

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The press conference will take place 14 June 2017 at 12 pm at EIUC / GC premises Monastery of San Nicolò – Riviera San Nicolò 26, Lido-Venice. A free boat Service to the conference venue will be available at 11.15 from Piazzale Roma (Venice).

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Graduation ceremony of Global Campus Europe

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La Cerimonia di consegna dei Diplomi del “Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione” (EMA), si svolgerà nel pomeriggio di domenica 24 Settembre 2017 alle ore 16.00 presso la Scuola Grande di San Rocco di Venezia.

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Venice Human Rights Cultural Festival: "Working Human Rights"

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Global Campus Europe students will be hosting the 9th annual Venice Human Rights Cultural Festival titled “Working Human Rights” at Antares Pavilion (VEGA)Industriae, Via della Libertà, 420-746, 30175 Venice, on 17 December 2017...

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Vacancy Announcement: EMA Executive Officer

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She/he will work as member of the permanent staff of EIUC based in Venice – Lido, under the general coordination of the EIUC Secretary General, and direct supervision by the EMA Programme Director...

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