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The new European Consensus on Development

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The European Union and its Member States signed today a strategic blueprint, outlining the future of European development policy. This "New European Consensus on Development" represents a new collective vision and plan of action to eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development...

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Global Campus Exchange of Lecturers: Sarajevo and Pretoria

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In the framework of the Global Campus Exchange of Lecturers, the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA) together with the  Master’s Programme in Human Rights & Democratisation in Africa (HRDA)...

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Interview to Christian Elia, a member of the Global Campus Visual Contest 2017

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Interview to Christian Elia, editor of Q Code Mag, he reported as envoy about more than 40 countries for more than 20 newspapers. He coordinates the Centre for Studies and the cultural campaign for the abolition of war at the NGO Emergency
You are the deputy editor Q Code Magazine, which is focused on narrative journalism, reportage, and multimedia. What are the characteristics of...

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ACTIONES Multi-Stakeholder Training

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This is the final multi-stakeholder training session of the EU funded ACTIONES project, which targets legal professionals with the aim to explore potential of the Charter of Fundamental Rights as the basis of the strategic litigation...

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