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The (Mis)education on Migrants: tearing down walls to build bridges

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Press Conference

The Press Office of the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) / Global Campus of Human Rights is glad to invite you to the press conference "The (Mis)education on Migrants: tearing down walls to build bridges", that takes place on Monday, 2 July 2018 at 12.30, at our premises, Monastery of San Nicolò, Riviera San Nicolò, 26 I-30126 Venice Lido (Italy).

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La (Dis)educazione sui Migranti: abbattere muri e costruire ponti

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Conferenza Stampa

L’Ufficio Stampa del Centro Inter-Universitario Europeo per i Diritti Umani e la Democratizzazione (EIUC) / Global Campus of Human Rights ha il piacere di invitarVi alla conferenza stampa “La (Dis)educazione sui Migranti: abbattere muri e costruire ponti”, che avrà luogo lunedì 2 luglio 2018 alle ore 12.30 presso la nostra sede, Monastero di San Nicolò, Riviera San Nicolò, 26 - 30126, Lido di Venezia.

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"They defend our freedoms: 30 years of the Sakharov Prize" - Photo Exhibition

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The Global Campus of Human Rights is glad to announce the opening of the photo exhibition “They defend our Freedoms”  marking the 30th anniversary of the European Parliament Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.

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Vacancy Announcement: Maternity leave replacement for the position of Accountant

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Working under the supervision of the Finance Manager, the selected candidate will be part of a team based in Venice Lido. He or she will be in charge of the general book-keeping and administrative tasks of the institution.

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Avviso di selezione per l’affidamento d’incarico di Organismo Monocratico di Vigilanza ai sensi del D.Lgs 231/2001 – Associazione EIUC

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EIUC è in procinto di approvare un modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo ex D.Lgs 231/2001 che prevede l’istituzione di un Organismo di Vigilanza - ai sensi dell’art. 6, comma 1, lettera b) del Decreto - in composizione monocratica...

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