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Cerimonia di consegna dei Diplomi del “Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione” Anno accademico 2018/2019

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La Cerimonia di consegna dei Diplomi del “Master Europeo in Diritti Umani e Democratizzazione” (EMA, Global Campus Europe) per l’anno accademico 2018/2019 ed inaugurazione del 23° Corso del Master, anno accademico 2019/2020, si svolgerà nel pomeriggio di domenica 29 settembre 2019 alle ore 16.00 presso la Scuola Grande di San Rocco di Venezia.

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Ceremony for the Awarding of Diplomas of the “European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation” Academic year 2018/2019

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The Ceremony of the Awarding of Diplomas of the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EMA, Global Campus Europe) for the academic year 2018/2019 and inauguration of the 23rd course, academic year 2019/2020, will be held on Sunday 29 September 2019 at 16.00 at Scuola Grande di San Rocco in Venice.

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Freedom of Assembly of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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The European Regional MA Program in Democracy and Human Rights (ERMA), with the support of the Global Campus of Human Rights and Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS), UNSA, organized a discussion on “Freedom of Assembly of LGBTI People in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

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Roundtable: “The need for a National Human Rights Institution in Italy in compliance with the Paris Principles”

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The Roundtable will be taking place on 3 June from 17.30 until 19.00 hrs followed by a cocktail at the Global Campus of Human Rights Headquarters, Monastery of San Nicolò - Riviera San Nicolò 26, Lido-Venice.

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