Arts & Human Rights at Biennale Arte 2019

Arts & human rights are closely related and need each other. Art can only flourish in an atmosphere of freedom from fear, violence and repression. We attended the Opening of #BiennaleArte2019 and we found many artworks linked to nowadays challenges to human rights and climate change.

Stay tuned for our next events #Art4HumanRights:

- 4 July, Opening of LABIOMISTA in Genk, Belgium - Arts & Human Rights dialogues;
- 26 August, Beginning of the 2019 Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy Summer School (Application deadline: 31 May,

#GCHumanRights #GCHumanRightsPress
La Biennale di Venezia #MayYouLiveInInterestingTimes

Inauguration of the Human Rights Pavilion

The #HumanRightsPavilion is finally open to the public!
You can visit it at Fondazione Berengo Art Space, Campiello della Pescheria, Murano (Venice).

Follow the different exhibitions, events and developments of this very big project

In partnership with Studio Koen Vanmechelen - Labiomista, Fondazione Berengo and MOUTH Foundation

Human Rights Pavilion: a message from Manfred Nowak

"The Human Rights Pavilion project is travelling around the world. There will be events in Santiago de Chile, in Mexico, in London, in Helsinki, where different pieces of art, whether it’s marble, glass or wooden art, will be shown and at the same time linked to human rights talks", Manfred Nowak

Watch the full message delivered by our Secretary General, Manfred Nowak, on the occasion of the inauguration of the #HumanRightsPavilion

In partnership with Studio Koen Vanmechelen - Labiomista, Fondazione Berengo and MOUTH Foundation

EU Convince MOOC: Citizenship and Human Rights Education for Change

Welcome to all participants who have chosen to follow our MOOC on Citizenship and Human Rights Education for Change! If you have not registered yet, you are still in time to join us.

#HumanRightsEducation #GCHumanRights #MOOC

Bienvenue à tous les participants qui ont choisi de suivre notre cours en ligne ouvert à tous sur L'éducation à la citoyenneté et aux droits de l'homme pour le changement! Si vous n'êtes pas encore inscrit, vous êtes encore à temps pour nous rejoindre.

Lorent Saleh Interview

“Luckily, we received good gestures of support from the European Union and the European Parliament and, although they might seem little ones, they are enough. I am very grateful, particularly to the European Union and the Spanish government, because they were there for me and they took me out of that box I was in, rescuing me from the claws of tyranny in my country. Now, that bridge that I crossed, I do not want to destroy it. I want to make it bigger so that many more can count on this bridge to freedom. And that bridge is the international community.”, Lorent Saleh, 2017 Sakharov Prize Laureate, interviewed by the Global Campus of Human Rights during the Opening of the Venice School of Human Rights - 6 April 2019.