2021 Online Course for International Electoral Observers - February Group

🎥 Watch the highlights of the intense week of the February Group Programme of the 2021 #OnlineCourse for International Electoral Observers.

2021 Online Course for International Electoral Observers Roundtable

During the #IEODAYS roundtable our students joined experts and representatives of sending authorities in a live debate which provided them information about the electoral observation practice, requirements and guidelines for structuring applications to this role.

#GCHumanRights built partnerships with the authorities for almost 10 years and is training more observers with this new #OnlineCourse edition of the Training for International Electoral Observers.

Second Online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversation & Magazine

The second Online Global Campus of Human Rights Conversation took place on 17 February 2021.

This Conversation is providing an occasion for our staff, professors, alumni, students, authorities and local partners to actively participate in the discussion about the future development of the city of Venice and the Veneto Region. Watch the highlights of this event and stay tuned for the third one which will be taking place in May during the week of the Festa della Sensa.

For more information, contact: pressoffice@gchumanrights.org

#GCHumanRights #GCHumanRightspress #GCHumanRightsconversations #GCHumanRightsmagazine

Digital Learning Initiative "An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia"

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on international travels has pushed our capacity-building project at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) to develop a digital learning initiative to allows the continuation of the local lecturers training.

The result is "An Introduction to Human Rights in Southeast Asia", a new blended-education tool, entirely designed in Tetum language, combining e-learning with in-class participation. The course is conceived for UNTL Professors and Teaching Assistants of the new UNTL course on #HumanRights and Democratisation. It is taught by lectures and experts from #GCHumanRights, the ASEAN University Network (AUN-HRE) and beyond, and facilitated by Academic Tutors from the #GCAsiaPacific Regional Master Programme.

This initiative is a new permanent training tool contributing to the didactic innovation of the National University for the mainstreaming of human rights education through its Faculties.

#EUintheWorld #EUinTimorLeste #TimorLeste #UNTL #HumanRightsCenterUNTL

Online Global campus of human rights conversations

🇮🇹 Durante questa emergenza Covid19 investire sulle generazioni future è diventato quasi un obbligo per poter guardare al futuro con speranza. E come investire in modo migliore se non attraverso le possibilità di crescita e conoscenza date dalle università e dai corsi di alta formazione?

La formazione universitaria potrebbe essere anche una chiave per guardare allo sviluppo futuro della città di Venezia (che sta inaugurando in questo momento la celebrazione per i suoi 1600 anni dalla fondazione) e potrebbe diventare una delle linee guida in piena pandemia per guardare positivamente al domani sia per la comunità locale che per quella internazionale.

Per riflettere su questi temi il Global Campus of Human Rights ha creato uno spazio di discussione online sul futuro possibile a Venezia e ospiterà una serie di online “Global Campus of Human Rights Conversations”. Gli speakers saranno anche intervistati in anteprima nel Global Campus of Human Rights Magazine.

Il primo è già stato ospitato in novembre (info nel video) ma restate connessi per le prossime date !!!

Gli incontri saranno anche un’occasione per lo staff, i docenti, gli studenti, gli Alumni e i partner locali per partecipare attivamente alla discussione sul futuro di Venezia, città che ospita la nostra sede al Monastero de San Nicolò.

#GCHumanRights #GCHumanRightspress #GCHumanRightsconversations #gchumanrightsmagazine

Comune di Venezia | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia | Regione del Veneto