Project Summaries
The are many benefits of such a diverse and regionally-focused network. Students gain a richness and variety of perspectives on human rights that no single department or faculty could offer. For the professors and experts who devote their time and expertise, this cooperation brings insight and inspiration which in turn enriches the participating institutions. Our long experience with joint curriculum development, teaching methods, student selection and evaluation, and even the awarding of degrees, provides a unique example of global inter-university cooperation.
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12 Projects
Advancing Child Rights Strategic Litigation
Child rights strategic litigation (CRSL) - defined as litigation that seeks to bring about legal and social change in terms of children’s enjoyment of their rights – is a pressing topic in advocacy and academic circles. Given its increased deployment as a tool for advancing children’s rights by a range of different actors, it is vital to engage effectively with the challenges and opportunities presented by CRSL.
Focused on the development, implementation, impact assessment and critique of CRSL from a child rights perspective, this project will contribute directly to strengthening the capacity of such litigation to deliver on children’s rights globally. It will do so by expanding academic engagement with CRSL, while bringing a number of key CRSL cases before judicial and quasi-judicial bodies.
The project seeks to effect concrete change via a practical methodology where academia and activism meet in the service of children’s rights. As such, the project entails a continuous exchange between research and practice directed towards concrete real-world impact.
For more information, please visit the project website.
Project Contact: Aoife Nolan, University of Nottingham
Child-friendly Version of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty via an Educational Animated Video
Children and their right to liberty were the subject of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty (GS). Children were also involved in the Study to make sure that their voices were heard. The GS team has recently completed a child-friendly summary and an executive summary of the GS as part of the Follow-Up Initiation Process. Within this framework, the goal of this project is to create a high-quality animated video for children aged 14-18 year in English, Spanish, French and Arabic (four of the widest spoken languages). Such a multilingual, educational movie will not only ensure that a wider children population is reached, but also that children actually spend time in watching an educational product that best suit their age and learning style, therefore improving learning and retention.
In addition, also adult audiences with no or very limited knowledge on the issue of children deprived of liberty will benefit from such a cartoon. The animated video will mainly target schools and educational institutions via the many GC and RLF networks and partners across the globe.
Project Contacts: Angela Melchiorre, GCHQ, - Manuela Pegoraro, GCHQ,
Cinema, Human Rights and Advocacy Summer School
This training initiative is jointly developed by the Global Campus of Human Rights and a UK educational not-for-profit organisation called Picture People whose mandate focuses on empowering marginalised and vulnerable people to effectively use media and emerging technologies to expose abuses, affect social change and engage communities.
This year’s 15th edition will focus on children’s rights by offering specific training days on making films with and about children. The project pitches students will develop during the course of the programme will also largely include children’s rights topic such as:
- access to digital technologies
- protection of children of victims of femicide
- the development of a toolkit for school to raise awareness about the rights of refugee children
For more information, please visit the project website.
Project Contact: Alberta Rocca, GCHQ
Cross-Regional Global Campus PhD Scholarship Programme focused on Children’s Rights
In line with the focus on postgraduate education of the Global Campus of Human Rights, this project aims to establish a cross-regional Global Campus PhD scholarship programme focused on children’s rights.
The programme intends to contribute to mainstreaming children’s rights across the Global Campus network by investing in the theoretical and practical research of PhD candidates. In this way, the Global Campus seeks to enable candidates to have future impact on the enhancement and protection of children’s rights as academics, educators, human rights experts and practitioners working in the field.
The scholarship programme is only open to Global Campus Alumni in any region of the GC network. The key criteria of the selection process are as follows:
- The research has to be done in the area of children’s rights
- The candidate needs to enrol in one of the partner universities of the Global Campus
- The candidate must fulfil all admission and course criteria of the host university (i.e. where the candidate is enrolled)
- The selected candidates must carry out research in at least two additional regions other than the one where the candidate is enrolled
- The PhD must be completed in 3-4 years
Project Contact: Reina-Marie Loader, GCHQ
Global Classroom 2020: The UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty
The focus of the 2020 Global Classroom is on mapping global trends in children’s deprivation of liberty by looking at the use of detention of children in different settings and in the various regions, as well as identifying key challenges. Given its online nature, the Global Classroom is structured in four phases:
- Phase 1: Each of the seven Global Campus regions work on regional thematic research papers (to be published in the GCHRJ).
- Phase 2: Students are divided into inter-regional working groups to discuss and debate the research papers each region produced.
- Phase 3: The live event will take place from 7-9 September, when students from each region and inter-regional working group will present their findings and recommendations. As part of this online event, a high-level panel (with Manfred Nowak, Najat Maalla M´Jid, Felipe Morales González, Karabo Ozah and Benoit Van Keirsbilck) will share their experiences working for and with children deprived of liberty. Students will be given the opportunity to ask them questions based on the respective research they have done on the Global Study.
- Phase 4: Each region is given the opportunity to involve students in the organisation of regional events so as to discuss their findings with local authorities, experts, stakeholders and general audiences.
Project Contact: Manu Krishan, GCHQ working from Vienna
MOOC on Child Participation and the Right to a Safe, Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment
Children’s participation in matters that affect their life is one of the four general principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Climate change and a degraded environment have a demonstrated detrimental effect on children’s lives. While various initiatives around the globe focus on protecting children from such effect, far less attention is devoted to recognising that children have a right to participate in decisions about how to deal with the impact of environmental crisis – i.e. how to deal with their future.
Placed at the intersection of Child Participation, Human Rights and the Environment, this Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be a truly unique educational and advocacy tool that is not available elsewhere. Through free and open access to current knowledge and debates on critical issues and practical options for rights-based youth activism on climate change, it will reach a worldwide audience to inform those who are still unaware, encourage those who are curious to know more, support those who are already acting, and ultimately boost effective change.
Project Contacts: Angela Melchiorre, GCHQ, - Manuela Pegoraro, GCHQ,
MOOC on Children Deprived of Liberty: Enacting the Recommendations of the UN Global Study
Considering the success of the 2019 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Children Deprived of Liberty: Learning from the UN Global Study (GS) and the current efforts to ensure implementation of the GS recommendations at the state and regional level, an updated release of the MOOC will be welcomed by both children’s rights professionals across the globe and crucial to support the above-mentioned efforts.
The goal of this follow-up MOOC is to integrate the unique knowledge contained in the GS with practical information on the regional implementation of the GS recommendations, plans of action and further initiatives by different stakeholders/actors (IOs, States, NHRIs, NPMs, NGOs…).
The topic area remains ‘Children Deprived of Liberty’ and is enriched by course materials (videos, readings, etc.) and activities (quizzes, discussions, etc.) developed with the GS Team, experts and GC/RLF children’s officers.
This MOOC targets current GC students and alumni, existing and new GC MOOCs’ subscribers, GS partners, the RLF network and the Right Livelihood College, anyone interested in children’s rights and civil society at large.
Project Contacts: Angela Melchiorre, GCHQ, - Manuela Pegoraro, GCHQ,
Second Global Study Toolkit on Migration related detention
Migration-related detention is prohibited under Article 37(b) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Toolkit aims at contributing to the implementation of the recommendations of the Global Study on children’s migration-related by focusing on the different types of non-custodial measures that can be applied and by taking into account the different realities of children in the context of migration. The main objectives of the Toolkit are:
- Support key stakeholders by providing systematic guidance on how to implement the recommendations of the Global Study. These stakeholders can then create plans with States on the basis of this Toolkit.
- Re-activate and maintain the involved network of experts, partners and supporters of the Global Study, as well as other experts working in the field of children deprived of their liberty in the context of migration; as an example, the connection and cooperation with IOM and UNHCR as part of the Interagency Taskforce.
- Support children deprived of liberty in the context of migration by identifying non-custodial measures and other good practices as an alternative to their deprivation of liberty.
Project Contact: Elisa Klein Díaz, GCHQ working from Vienna
UN Global Study: Translation of the Executive Summary
The Global Study was published in 2019 and reprinted in 2020. The Global Study Team has created an Executive Summary of 68 pages in order to provide a well-focused document outlining the key messages and recommendations of the 800-page long Global Study. In order to make this document a real tool for relevant stakeholders in all world regions, the Global Campus of Human Rights will partner up with all regional child rights officers to identify students/graduates of the regional master programs to translate the Executive Summary in all UN languages:
- French
- Spanish
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Russian
The translated versions of the Executive Summary will facilitate further Global Study related research and/or advocacy projects and support the dissemination and implementation of the Global Study recommendations.
Project Contact: Georges Younes, GCHQ working from Vienna
UN Global Study: Web Platform
A new website for the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty will be created to showcase the development of all the activities related to the Global Study.
his new working tool aims at optimising communication and promotion, facilitating contacts and networking and providing user-oriented services. Thanks to the digital tools provided to the users, the platform will be the focal point of all UNGS activities.
Project Contacts: Nicola Tonon, GCHQ, - Samuele Schiavon, Babel Studio,
Venice School 2020 & 2021
The Venice School is an annual programe of the Global Campus devoted to strengthening the work of human rights defenders both generally and in relation to campaigns for gender equality, protection against all forms of gender-based violence, and safeguarding children’s rights.
The children’s rights thematic stream of the School has been designed to explore possibilities for engaging children as human rights defenders, raising awareness of human rights for future generations, operationalising children’s rights to participation in all matters concerning them, and generally strengthening the protection of the rights of the child.
The 2021 edition will take place in April 2021 and will be advertised to the public. Sakharov Fellows, EED sponsored participants and the Russian Master’s students from the PFUR consortium will also be enrolled as participants.
For more information, please visit the project website.
Project Contact: Alberta Rocca, GCHQ
Europe (EMA)
4 Projects
Children Detained for Migration Related Reasons: Towards a Model for Better Data Collection
Following one of the main recommendations of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty the overarching aim of this project is to identify and to promote the most effective existing data collection frameworks in one of the most challenging and neglected areas – detention for migration-related reasons. Since this phenomenon is unlikely to be completely eradicated in the near future, establishment of data collection systems at national levels is crucial to measure progress in the long run. The goals of the project are threefold:
- to conduct a global mapping of national data sources that integrate statistics on detention of children for migration-related reasons
- to construct a dedicated Statistical Capacity Index in the field of documenting immigration detention which allows to compare existing frameworks and identify promising practices
- to conduct in-depth case studies in two selected countries (based on their Statistical Capacity Index individual scores) in order to formulate detailed
The project takes the holistic approach by integrating various actors at different stages of its implementation and assigning each of them a clear role in striving for the ultimate goal of ending the detention of children for migration related reasons. It falls within the Global Study Follow-up Initiation Programme by providing high quality materials (methodology, case studies and report), which could be utilised once the official UN follow-up mechanism is set up.
Project Contact: Lukasz Szoszkiewicz, University of Poznan
Enacting the Recommendations of the UN Global Study in the National Agenda and in the European Context
The project aims to support Ombudspersons for Children in implementing the recommendations of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty (GSCDL) within particular national and European multi-level governance.
This function will be piloted in the Italian context, which will open the possibility for future interventions in other European countries. Two workshops will be organised at the Headquarters of the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice:
- Workshop 1: with specialised, independent, national and regional institutions existing in Italy
- Workshop 2: with a selected group of members of the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children (ENOC)
The two workshops aim to present the findings and recommendations of the GSCDL among independent children’s rights institutions (ICRIs), discuss with them the challenges and opportunities to their implementation both at the national and European level, share information about specific areas of the GSCDL, and identify possible roles and actions for ICRIs in supporting and facilitating the development of strategies/action plans for such enactment effectively.
Project Contact: Chiara Altafin, GCHQ
MOOC on Children’s Right and Technology in the Digital Age
This will be the first-ever Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on children’s rights and technology in the digital age. It aims to educate parents, teachers, policy makers, and technologists alike using a rights-based approach to understanding how this topic is materialising within different contexts around the globe. Many users, including parents and children, place blind-trust, to varying degrees, in the promises of futuristic technologies, yet the positives and negatives of these rapidly evolving devices and algorithms have yet to be fully understood.
The key stakeholders in developing these technologies may not always have a child’s best interest in mind, which is why everyday citizens, politicians, human-centric tech-advocates, and civil society need to proactively work towards creating a safe and healthy environment for children to learn and grow.
This Children’s Rights and Technology in the Digital Age MOOC aims to close the information gap between experts and users, incubate productive public debate, and inspire action towards children’s rights advocacy. Our course modules will discuss the following topics as related to children and technology: overarching legal/policy frameworks; data protection and privacy; early childhood development and the right to play; the right to education; the right to health.
Project Contact: Wiebke Lamer, GCHQ,; Meredith Veit, and Laura Thomi,
Personal Liberty of Children in Austria Revisited
The UN Global Study of Children Deprived of Liberty has highlighted the dire situation of more than 7.2 million children worldwide and stressed the need for replacement strategies and alternatives to detention of children. The project aims to create a process for structured implementation of the Study’s recommendations in Austria. For this purpose, it will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the status quo, followed by a targeted intervention programme relevant for three main settings of deprivation of liberty of children, namely in the context of:
- criminal/juvenile justice
- migration-related detention
- institutional care in Austria
Furthermore, it will pilot the implementation of this programme in the field of monitoring places of deprivation of liberty of children. As a distinctive feature, the project will directly engage with children throughout the process, from assessment to implementation.
Project Contact: Helmut Sax, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights
South-East Europe (ERMA)
1 Project
Children in Migration in Southeast Europe (SEE)
This two-year project aims to strengthen education, research, training, network-building and advocacy for the rights of migrant and refugee children in South East Europe by producing high-quality research on the topic and disseminating knowledge among students, academia, relevant stakeholders, and the wider public. Under this project, the GCSEE team will:
- mainstream children’s rights within the GCSEE/ERMA curricular and extracurricular activities
- encourage its network of professors, students and alumni to produce quality research outputs that will be published in the edited volume Children in migration: Perspectives from South East Europe
- build a strong research network of young professionals working to improve the rights of migrant and refugee children in South East Europe
- deliver training courses and workshops on children’s rights to build capacities of local stakeholders engaged in the protection of unaccompanied and separated migrant and refugee children in Bosnia and Herzegovina
For updates, please follow the GCSEE/ERMA pages (CIS website, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram).
Project Contact: Nikolina Milić, University of Sarajevo
Africa (HRDA)
2 Projects
Child Participation in the Implementation of Global and Regional Development Frameworks in Africa
This is a three-year project at the intersection of three key areas: child participation rights, the global and regional development agenda as set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and African regional development frameworks (ARDFs), particularly the African Union Agenda 2063 and the African Union Agenda 2040 for Children.
The overall project goal is to promote (and increase public awareness on the importance of) child participation in national, regional and international development processes in Africa. This goal will be achieved through three main interventions:
- research for evidence and knowledge on the standards and practice on child participation in development governance
- evidence-based advocacy for child participation in development governance
- and capacity building to enhance the implementation of child participation in the framework
Specifically, the project will include a regional study on child participation in development frameworks in Africa; capacity building for key stakeholders; regular engagement with stakeholders on the need and means of child participation; generating contextually relevant tools for implementation; monitoring of child participation in development governance; and facilitating dialogue on the manner and means of ensuring child participation in governance.
Project Contact: Admark Moyo, University of Pretoria
Creating an Independent Oversight Mechanism to reinforce the Rights of Children in Secure Care Centres in South Africa
The proposed project is a national follow-up to the Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty based at the University of Pretoria. in June 2018 South Africa presented the numbers of children in detention in its response to the Global Study questionnaire. Among the numbers provided was the number of children in Secure Care Centres. This was significant because it was the first time that the number was captured in a manner that was comparable to other statistics, such as the number of children in prison.
The project’s main objective is to create a mechanism for independent oversight to reinforce the rights of children in secure care in South Africa. This includes the following sub-objectives:
- undertake a base-line study of the current secure care centres, through visits to the secure care centres and interviews with children and with staff, to inform the independent oversight mechanism;
- develop a model of an independent oversight mechanism to reinforce the right of children in secure care;
- develop a plan for the management and care of children in secure care in situations of disaster/emergency, to be built into the oversight mechanism.
Specifically, the project will include a regional study on child participation in development frameworks in Africa; capacity building for key stakeholders; regular engagement with stakeholders on the need and means of child participation; generating contextually relevant tools for implementation; monitoring of child participation in development governance; and facilitating dialogue on the manner and means of ensuring child participation in governance.
Project Contacts: Karabo Ozah, University of Pretoria,; Ann Skelton, University of Pretoria
Schools Human Rights Moot Court Competitions
Based on the experience obtained with the South African Schools Human Rights Moot Court Competition, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria will work with local partners to establish similar competitions in other parts of the world. Specifically, the project will first be established in Ethiopia, Ghana and Nepal. This will then be followed by other countries worldwide.
Schools human rights moots have shown to be valuable educational tools enabling children to solve problems based on a human rights framework.
The model we are pursuing is the following:
- The moots are based on a hypothetical problem, which the learners have to address as if they are the lawyers for the applicant and then also for the respondents.
- Their arguments should be based on the bill of rights of their country.
- The final round of the moot takes place in the highest court of the country.
- Where possible, participation in the moot is part of the school curriculum.
- The national human rights institution of the country in question facilitates the organisation of the moot.
Ultimately, it is anticipated that these moots will culminate in a world human rights moot court competition for high school learners.
Project Contact: Nyambeni Davhana
Asia-Pacific (APMA)
5 Projects
Promoting Children’s Rights Education at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL)
Building on the successful collaboration established between the Global Campus and the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) in the framework of the newly set up UNTL Human Rights Centre supported by the EU, the project aims to develop capacities to locally establish and run a new curricular subject on Children’s Rights for selected Faculties (Social Sciences, Education, and Law). This will be achieved mainly through a series of training programmes including access to a PhD course, development of curriculum and teaching tools, outreach and events.
As one of the least developed UN member states, Timor-Leste has a strong record in democratic development but still faces severe difficulties in Children's Rights protection (malnutrition, education, child labour, etc.) even if 46,4% of its population is below 18. Therefore, the potential for transformative societal contribution of this new higher-education action in Timor-Leste bears high significance.
The project will be implemented over three years starting from January 2021 in partnership with the GC Asia-Pacific Programme at Mahidol University, the Timorese Office of the Ombudsperson of Human Rights (PDHJ), and the UNICEF Office for Timor-Leste.
Project Contact: Adriano Remiddi, GCHQ working from Timor Leste
Rights Based Research on Children’s Rights
Although there are several guidelines available for involving children in research, challenges around implementation still persist. This lack of implementation suggests inadequate understanding on how to protect children who participate in research, while simultaneously promoting their meaningful participation and agency as highlighted by the Convention on the Right of the Child.
This project aims to address these challenges by developing practical ethics standards focused on doing research with children. Tools to implement these standards will also be developed.
The overall goal of the project is to provide students with professional knowledge of child rights research ethics and its practices. It also aims to support the Global Campus of Human Rights by strengthening the oversight and monitoring of research ethics for studies including child participation.
The project implementation includes:
- identifying key issues
- a consultation workshop on a draft Protocol/Guideline for rights based ethical research
- production of the guidelines, protocol and training outline
- review-assessment of the protocol and training outline
- training of the Trainers
- production of final ‘Protocol, Guideline and Training Package’
Project Contact: Mark P. Capaldi, Mahidol University
South Asia Regional Launch UN Global Study onChildren Deprived of Liberty
The South Asia Regional Launch of the UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty is part of the 15th International Winter Residential School on Economic Social and Development Rights (ESDR) to be held in January 2021 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
The 15th ESDR integrates a holistic, in-depth and extensive curriculum with special reference to Rights of Children and is themed as ‘Future of Human Rights in Asia with special reference to Rights of Children’. The delegates taking part in the winter school will partake in the research and interactive discourse focusing on the Rights of Children and will present the research.
Furthermore, research will be conducted on the ‘Deprivation of Liberty: Situational Analysis of Children under migration-related detention and administration of justice in South Asia’. The outcome of the research will be launched and disseminated at the International Conference alongside the Global Study Launch.
This is a holistic initiative streamlining three different child rights centred components: the children’s rights themed winter school, the Global Study launch and the South Asian research study.
Project Contacts: Ravi Prakash Vyas, Kathmandu School of Law; Pranjali Kanel, Kathmandu School of Law
Workshop in Cooperation with the Right Livelihood College, Bangkok: Child Rights and the Environment
The project will be run by the APMA programme at the Institute for Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP), Mahidol University, in close cooperation with the Rights Livelihood College, Bangkok, based at Chulalongkorn University.
Specifically, APMA will develop a two-day module as part of the RLC annual training programme (CURLs Summer School). The module will address human rights around children and the environment, thus linking to the current environmental focus of the Summer School. Participants of the Summer School are usually young activists (from 20-35 years old) working on environmental issues across the Asia Pacific region.
Project Contact: Mike Hayes, Mahidol University, Thailand
YLED: Leadership through Earth Democracy
YLED is a holistic learning program run by Dr Vandana Shiva and Navdanya’s Earth University. The main aim of the project is to create youth leaders for a systems transformation to protect the rights of nature and rights of future generations. It will deepen their understanding of how the right of the child to life, health, food, water and a stable climate flows directly from the Rights of the Earth. The project will also deepen understanding of the interconnectedness of the existential emergencies we face, including disease epidemics such as the corona pandemic and violation of planetary, ecosystem and species boundaries, the extinction of species, climate change, the water crisis and the food and nutrition crisis.
The program will offer creative participatory learning of Earth Democracy as integrated solutions to the multiple crises. It will help Youth leaders to return to their communities and countries as Bijaks (sowers of seed) to seed and cultivate the future beginning with their own lives and their communities, to grow a new ecological civilisation based on the planetary consciousness that we are one humanity on one planet.
For more information on the project and Navdanya’s Earth University please visit their website.
Project Contacts: Vandana Shiva
Coordinated by Drona Chetri and Anu Chetri -
Caucasus (CES)
3 Projects
Conference: The Impact of Climate Change on Children’s Rights
The main aim of the GC/RLF International Conference is to bring together experts, representatives of state, international and non-governmental organisations, policymakers, academics and students from a broad range of countries. The event will consider the vital importance of:
- a child rights-based approach to climate action
- awareness raising about the impact of climate change on children’s rights and
- child participation in policymaking
The choice of the topic is inspired by the guiding principles of the CRC, including the principle of best interests of the child (Art.3), right to life, survival and development (Art. 6) and the right to participation (Art. 12).
The event is planned to take place in the end of November 2020 in Yerevan, Armenia, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the programme.
Project Contact: Kristine Gevorgyan, Yerevan State University
Enabling Learning to Happen for All Children in Emergency Crisis
The goal of the project is to facilitate the building of emergency resilient education systems to secure equal access to learning for every child in six selected countries in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region.
This will be achieved by assessing the resources, capacities and systems of educational know-how for estimating the possibilities to create low-tech or no-tech remote learning programs for urban and rural communities. Additionally, the project will support the development of a resilient and vibrant educational system in at least six republics in the region, enabling them to manage risks and mitigate the negative impact on school children in times of emergency.
Modelling of alternative solutions for ‘out-of-classroom’ education will be a key activity in addition to the development of a practical tool and three technical support activities (specifically in Armenia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan). Three expert visits to Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan will also be arranged in order to promote the use of the tool developed as part of the project.
Project Contact: Mariam Muradyan, Yerevan State University
Practice Exchange on Deinstitutionalisation for Children with Disabilities
The goal of the project is to broaden empirical knowledge and develop strategic skills for effective management of deinstitutionalisation programs for children with disabilities. The project will focus on six countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA).
The goal has three main objectives:
- to broaden the empirical knowledge and skills among Armenian, Ukrainian, Moldavian and Tajik policy experts and government representatives dealing with child care policies through learning from best practices of deinstitutionalisation of children with disabilities in Bulgaria and Georgia
- to build the capacities of Armenian, Ukrainian, Moldavian and Tajik policy experts and government representatives dealing with child care policies through a workshop in Armenia for experience sharing among the counterparts from Bulgarian and Georgia
- to disseminate the best practices of deinstitutionalisation of children with disabilities among the networks of government agencies, policy makers and civil society representatives through the local meetings among the workshop participants and their counterparts
Project Contact: Mariam Muradyan, Yerevan State University
Latin America-Caribbean (LATMA)
2 Projects
Gulliver Project
The Gulliver Project empowers children and adolescents on a social and cultural level via the medium of poetry and artistic expression. In this way, the project aims to increase the knowledge of the young participants in relation to their rights and responsibilities. The project also includes training activities for trainers using this didactic process.
The main focus of the project has a formative character designed to promote cultural empowerment related to children and adolescents affected by the multidimensional nature of violence within their communities. This approach is strongly influenced by four guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child:
- Non-discrimination (Article 2)
- Best interests of the child (Article 3)
- The Right to Survival and Development (Article 6)
- The Right to Participation (Article 12)
The project is in Medellín – a city whose children are deeply affected by enforced displacement, poverty, exclusion and many other forms of serious violence.
For more information, please visit that project website.
Project Contacts: Gabriel James Franco, - Jairo Guzmán,
UN Global Study: Regional launch and follow up events in Latin America: (Argentina and Uruguay)
The Global Study launch in Latin America will have two key events associated with it. The first will be hosted by the University of San Martín in Argentina, while the second will take place in Uruguay (exact location yet to be determined).
More detailed information will be provided in the upcoming months.
Project Contact: Elisa Klein Díaz, GCHQ working from Vienna